Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Poster

Kenny Baker: R2-D2



  • [while the Falcon is fleeing from Imperial fighters, and R2-D2 is stitching C-3PO back together] 

    C-3PO : Noisy brute. Why don't we just go to lightspeed?

    R2-D2 : [beeps] 

    C-3PO : We can't? How would you know the hyperdrive is deactivated?

    R2-D2 : [beeps] 

    C-3PO : The City's central computer told you? R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer.

    [R2's welding arm shocks his ankle] 

    C-3PO : Ouch! Pay attention to what you're doing!

  • [C-3PO and R2-D2 are first seen walking in the underground base on Ice Planet Hoth] 

    C-3PO : I didn't ask you to turn on the thermal heater. I merely commented that it was freezing in the princess's chamber...

    R2-D2 : [Chirps his objection] 

    C-3PO : But it's SUPPOSED to be freezing! How we are ever going to dry out her clothes, I really don't know!

  • C-3PO : R2, you take good care of Master Luke now, understand?

    R2-D2 : [whistle] 


    C-3PO : And do take good care of yourself.

    R2-D2 : [chirp-chirp-chirp] 


    C-3PO : Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

  • Luke : If you're saying coming here was a bad idea, I'm beginning to agree with you.

    R2-D2 : [beep-beep] 

    Luke : R2, What are we doing here?

    R2-D2 : [beep-beep] 

    Luke : It's like - something out of a dream or - I don't know. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

See also

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