[Darth Vader has just learned of Admiral Ozzel's big blunder, and activates a viewscreen]
Admiral Ozzel : [appearing onscreen with Captain Piett] Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we're preparing to...
[Ozzel stops, and suddenly begins to choke, clutching at his throat]
Darth Vader : You have failed me for the last time, Admiral! Captain Piett?
Captain Piett : Yes, my lord?
Darth Vader : Make ready to land our troops beyond their energy field, and deploy the fleet, so that nothing gets off the system.
[beside Piett, Admiral Ozzel utters one last strangled gasp, and falls over dead]
Darth Vader : You are in command now... Admiral Piett!
Admiral Piett : Thank you, Lord Vader.
Admiral Piett : Admiral.
[Ozzel and Veers then walk to him]
Admiral Ozzel : Yes, Captain.
Admiral Piett : I think we've got something, sir. The report is only a fragment from a probe droid in the Hoth system, but it's the best lead we've had.
Admiral Ozzel : We have thousands of probe droids searching the galaxy. I want proof, not leads!
Admiral Piett : [Darth Vader begins walking to them] The visuals indicate life readings.
Admiral Ozzel : It could mean anything. If we followed every lead...
Admiral Piett : But, sir, the Hoth system is supposed to be devoid of human forms.
Darth Vader : You found something?
Admiral Piett : Yes, my Lord.
[Vader analyzes the visual and recognizes it as the Rebel base]
Darth Vader : That's it! the Rebels are there!
Admiral Ozzel : My lord, there are so many uncharted settlements. It could be smugglers, it could be...
Darth Vader : That is the system. And I'm sure Skywalker is with them. Set your course for the Hoth system. General Veers, prepare you men.
[Vader and Veers walk away to duties, Ozzel gives Piett a fierce stare before doing the same]