As Han is about to be frozen he is handcuffed, two Ugnaughts seem to fidget with the cuffs but Han is clearly still cuffed in the shot where he is being lowered in to the freezing chamber. When he resurfaces in a frozen state his hands are not cuffed and appears to have "grasped" at the moment he was frozen.
Imperial officers wear their rank insignia badges on the left. However, when Vader asks Admiral Piett if the Falcon's hyperdrive was deactivated, a flipped shot causes the officers' badges to be on their right. Also, on Vader's Star Destroyer near the end of the movie, the Imperial badges change sides repeatedly. This was digitally fixed on the 2004 DVD release.
The ladder that Luke uses to climb into his cockpit when leaving Dagobah disappears.
As they are are walking through Cloud City, Leia is between Han and Lando. As they come around a corner, Han and Lando have switched places.
In the first wide shot of the Executor's bridge, there are black-uniformed officers in the left crewpit only. However, when Vader walks down the command walkway, we see the right crewpit, but it seems to be a reversed image of the left. In addition, it appears to be reused at the end of the film when Vader exits the bridge.
In the final scene, Luke and Leia watch the Millennium Falcon launch past a spinning galaxy in the background. Galaxies are so big, spanning billions of miles, that any such spin would be so slow as to be imperceptible to the human eye.
Denis Lawson's name is misspelled as Dennis in the credits,
and this was not fixed in the 1997 Special Edition or on the 2004 DVD release.
It makes no sense that tauntauns would freeze to death at night if they are indigenous to an ice planet.
However, it does make sense. Humans indigenous to Earth but still die in extreme temperatures.
From Wookieepedia, "the tauntauns were well adapted to the daytime temperature on Hoth, although they could not handle the chilling extremes of the night, which often reached below -60C."
However, it does make sense. Humans indigenous to Earth but still die in extreme temperatures.
From Wookieepedia, "the tauntauns were well adapted to the daytime temperature on Hoth, although they could not handle the chilling extremes of the night, which often reached below -60C."
An asteroid field would need to be surrounding a larger planetary body, but is shown to be free floating which is not possible. Asteroid fields would not have asteroids so close together and many of the asteroids ignore gravity when near a larger asteroid.
The colors of the different buttons on Darth Vader's chest plate vary between the movies. However, since time passes between each movie, it is not unthinkable that he has his life support equipment refurbished and upgraded on occasion.
When Darth Vader uses the Force to throw things at Luke, one of them breaks the glass blowing Luke outside. This indicates Cloud City is pressurized. However, when the Millenium Falcon lands earlier, Lando is able to easily walk out the door, indicating there is equal pressure. However, Luke and Vader are battling in what is very obviously an interior portion of the city which is far more likely to be pressurized than the exposed outer hatches.
The snowspeeder being able to destroy the AT-AT after it is tripped is often said to be an error, seing as the blasters are useless beforehand against the walkers. But various sources explain that when the walker is tripped, the armor is damaged and unable to deflect the power of the blasters. Also, the pilots shoot at the much weaker neck area where no protection is offered.
Chewbacca leaves their quarters on Cloud City with Han and Leia, leaving behind C-3PO dismantled in a box. They are captured in the next scene and moved to a holding cell. The box of C-3PO's parts is now in the cell instead of the junk scrapheap where he was rescued from. It's entirely plausible that Lando arranged for this as he appears to be covertly helping his friends while pretending to go along with Vader's plans.
While escaping Cloud City, Leia pronounces Han's first name differently (similar to how Lando says it), compared to how she pronounces it every other time in the series.
It's been stated that there is no exact right pronunciation of character names in the Star Wars saga. Mark Hamill himself has explained this issue: "Whenever we would ask George (Lucas) about the proper pronunciation, he would just shrug and didn't seem to really care. He said they would be pronounced different ways in various parts of the galaxy".
It's been stated that there is no exact right pronunciation of character names in the Star Wars saga. Mark Hamill himself has explained this issue: "Whenever we would ask George (Lucas) about the proper pronunciation, he would just shrug and didn't seem to really care. He said they would be pronounced different ways in various parts of the galaxy".
Vader kills Captain Needa for losing the Millenium Falcon. When two Imperial soldiers pick up his body to carry away, the corpse steps itself up.
When C-3PO interrupts Han and Leia's kiss on the Millennium Falcon, you can see parts of the Threepio costume break off and fall off at the elbow.
When the Millennium Falcon enters the asteroid field, a shot shows the asteroids through the Falcon's cockpit window. One of the "asteroids" coming from the lower left is the Falcon itself.
When the Millennium Falcon is inside the worm and a tremor makes Princess Leia fall on Han Solo she says, "Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited", Han Solo is mouthing her line.
As Lando, Leia, Chewie, C-3PO, and R2-D2 start boarding the Falcon to escape Bespin, you can see a blaster mark on the chest of one of the stormtroopers firing at them from the doorway. Seconds later, Leia shoots the stormtrooper in the exact spot and he falls down.
At the beginning of the carbonite freezing scene, Officer Belwil (Milton Johns) enters and says "Lord Vader, ship approaching X-Wing class" in his own British accent, then leaves. Near the end of the scene he re-enters and says "Skywalker has just landed, My Lord" in a dubbed American accent.
If you take a close look at Luke's lightsaber in the Wampa cave on the icy planet of Hoth you'll see "NEW YORK" stamped into the bottom.
When the AT-ATs are attacking, you can see how far away they are from the front line of fighters. In another scene, Han and Leia have snow falling on them, making it seem like they are underground, with the AT-ATs above them. However, in other scenes, you can see that the base is at ground level and that the launch bays are under a mountain. The base would have to extend into an impracticably large underground area for the AT-ATs to be above Han and Leia.
Right after C-3PO gets shot at Cloud City, Chewbacca is seen coming around the corner, as he walks down the stairs, his foot breaks right through the set.
Since Rebels encountered the AT-ATs before, they should have build hidden ditches that the walker's legs would fall into instead or firing riles from trenches. However, this fact regarding walkers was only in literature which was published then.
After Luke cuts off the Wampa's arm he begins to stagger out of the cave into the snow, deactivating his lightsaber as he goes. The sound of the saber deactivating occurs but the saber is still completely active.
In the Dagobah scene, before Luke and R2-D2 have found Yoda, Luke plugs something into R2 then says: "Now, all I gotta do is find this Yoda - if he even exists." When he says: "If he even exists.", Luke's mouth doesn't move. The DVD tried to fix this by adding a little more texture every few half-seconds to Luke's mouth, but it is barely visible.
Shortly after the Millennium Falcon's escape from Bespin, when it is flying alongside the Executor, several shots strike it. However, these shots make no noise of any kind.
One of Lando's lines doesn't match his jaw movements very well in the carbon-freezing chamber scene.
When the AT-AT that Luke destroys with a thermal detonator begins to fall over, a stick can be seen popping up through the ground from under the walker's left back leg to tip it over.
When Han, Leia, and Chewbacca go outside to explore the cave in the big asteroid, a tarp is visible on the left side of the screen through all the mist.
When Chewbacca is trying to fix C-3PO, a crew member is visible in the reflection of C-3PO's head before Chewbacca picks it up.
In the letterbox version, when the wampa's arm swings into frame to kill Luke's tauntaun, the end of the "glove" can be seen at the bottom left, as well as the top of the head of the crew member wearing it. Afterwards, when he is grabbed by the monster's arm, for a short time you can see the real arm of the person who is wearing the wampa arm.
Reflected in C-3PO's head as it travels down the conveyor belt in Cloud City, and also during the carbon-freezing scene.
Although Vader wants Han, Leia, and the others taken alive at all costs, several pursuing star destroyers and tie fighters are continuously seen firing laser blasts at the Millennium Falcon, which could potentially destroy it.
Boba Fett fires at Luke while bringing the carbonite encased Solo to his ship, even though he knows that Darth Vader wants him alive.
However, this isn't a plot hole; Boba misses Luke on purpose. Boba knows Vader wants Luke alive and that this is all a trap to lure him in. Boba shoots at Luke to maintain the illusion, doing otherwise would seem suspicious.
However, this isn't a plot hole; Boba misses Luke on purpose. Boba knows Vader wants Luke alive and that this is all a trap to lure him in. Boba shoots at Luke to maintain the illusion, doing otherwise would seem suspicious.
Luke says, "That armor's too strong for blasters!" However, Star Wars Canon literature indicate the Rebels encountered AT-ATa before and some even stole such walkers. Therefore, the Rebels would know what those walkers were like. Of course, audiences would not have read such literature before watching the movie.
From a military perspective, Luke's exclaim also is unbelievable. The Rebels would have intelligence sources knowing what ground weapons the Imperials have. There in fact, were walkers in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002).
From a military perspective, Luke's exclaim also is unbelievable. The Rebels would have intelligence sources knowing what ground weapons the Imperials have. There in fact, were walkers in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002).
When the Millenium Falcon uses the garbage disposal of the Star Destroyer to camouflage its own departure, Boba Fett's ship, the Slave 1, follows the heroes way too closely. Han Solo should have been able to immediately detect the following ship.
At the end of the movie Lando says that they are going to find Han and rescue him from Jabba. Luke then replies to meet at Tattooine. So they know already where Han is taken to exactly, they don't need to "find" him.
However, this isn't a plot hole, it's just a turn of phrase. Also, they might know where Jabba will be but not exactly where Han will be. It's like losing something in your house. You know it's in the building but you still need to find it. Either way, the plot isn't broken because of this statement.
However, this isn't a plot hole, it's just a turn of phrase. Also, they might know where Jabba will be but not exactly where Han will be. It's like losing something in your house. You know it's in the building but you still need to find it. Either way, the plot isn't broken because of this statement.
In the opening scene, Luke is trying to calm his frightened tauntaun (before the wampa attack). As he says, "Hey, what's the matter? You smell something?" the boom microphone can be seen reflected in his goggles.
While Luke assists Wedge in attacking an Imperial Walker, he says, "Steady, Rogue 2." Wedge is "Rogue 3." Later when Luke assists Zev, he correctly calls him, "Rogue 2."
As Luke arrives at Cloud City, he presses some controls above him but there are no buttons or controls on the cockpit hatch.
Darth Vader uses his 'Force' telekinesis a few times in the film. Somehow he doesn't even think to use it to bring Luke up to him when Luke chooses to drop away from him (after the revelation).
When Luke watches the Millennium Falcon escaping the ice cave on Hoth, he turns his head to follow her with his gaze, but he does so too soon - the ship has not yet even entered his field of view.
Darth Vader can detect Luke in outer space, when he is at an extremely long distance, but can't pick up Luke or or Leia when they are several hundred feet away.