196 of 262 found this to have none
135 of 209 found this mild
Sci-fi violence is frequent though undetailed, with limited blood and sight of injury.
During a duel sequence, a character is bombarded by several objects. He is shown bloody and bruised as a result.
A man is seen in a cave hanging upside down with some sight of blood on his face. A creature is briefly seen eating some gory remains of another death creature. The man cuts off the creatures arm with a lightsaber. In the 'Special Edition' and subsequent edition of the film, the creature is briefly seen creature crying out, with sight of the bloody stump where it was injured.
A large fantasy beast keels over and dies due to freezing conditions. A man uses a lightsaber to cut the animal open and puts another man inside to protect him from the elemnts. The animal's white fleshy internal muscle and fat is exposed, but there is no blood.
There is a large battle scene near the beginning of the film, where several uniformed combatants are killed onscreen, or are implied to have been killed. In the battle, there are instances of large robots being brought down and exploding into fireballs, killing their inhabitants.
A pilot's wingman is shot dead by a laser blast from inside their fighter craft. He slumps forward, dead. When the fighter is shot down and crashes, an AT-AT "walker" steps on the remains of the ship, including the dead wingman, while the pilot barley escapes before the ship is crushed.
The back of a man's horribly scarred head (enough to be bald) is briefly shown.
There are two instances whereby Darth Vader telekinetically chokes a man to death. There is no blood, but we see them moan and struggle to breath until they slump over and die. Intense.
Han is tortured offscreen, though the very first bits of the treatment (the man being placed face-first into a sparking electric device) are depicted. We hear audible screams from the outside of the closed doorway to the torture room.
A number of Imperial stormtroopers are briefly shot with lasers. There is also a scene where Chewbacca knocks a few stormtroopers off a ledge.
168 of 209 found this to have none
1 use of hell: "I'll see you in h***!"
174 of 193 found this to have none
Some implied alcohol use in the Cloud City sequences.
107 of 210 found this moderate
In the remastered version, there is a potential jump-scare involving the creature. Even the creature's actions can be quite scary as it happens so fast.