60 of 102 found this mild
Some sexual dialogue, including references to getting laid, virginity, one teen says "I wanna have deep meaningful sex with her" while staring at a girl. It's all in the dialogue, nothing is ever shown however.
Leigh's nipples show through her shirt when it rains at one point.
A man says "nothing smells better than a new car. Except maybe pussy".
A boy and a girl are kissing in the car and he reaches his hand inside her shirt and rubs her breasts. At the same time she rubs his crotch outside of his trousers. Soon after she stops him from going any further and apologizes.
42 of 65 found this moderate
After a conversation, a boy holds his father in the neck, but doesn't do anything else other than smirking and walking away.
A gas station explodes.
A boy gets injured during a football game. He is seen in hospital with an injured leg.
A car hood slams on a man's hand. He's later seen with a bloody bandage.
Lots of intense scenes from the human antagonists as they threaten Arnie with knives and beat him up. No actual graphic violence but pretty intense.
Lots of incredibly tense and scary scenes featuring Christine stalking, hunting, and ultimately murdering people throughout the film.
A man's corpse falls out of a car, apparently having suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning.
A man grasps another man's crotch.
A man is crushed between the front seat of a car and the steering wheel.
55 of 85 found this severe
1 middle finger included
21 uses of "fuck", 35 uses of "shit", 7 uses of "hell", 10 uses of "ass" (6 used as "asshole"), 3 uses of "damn", 3 uses of "goddamn", 2 uses of "bastard", 1 use of "bitch", 1 use of "son of a bitch", 1 use of "Jesus Christ", 5 uses of "Jesus", 2 uses of "pussy".
Some uses of very strong language ("cunt"), including twisting the surname "Cunningham" into "Cuntingham" as an insult.
45 of 54 found this mild
Lots of cigar smoking from background and side characters throughout the movie. Cigarettes are also frequently smoked by background and side characters. One character smokes cigarettes in almost all his scenes.
Adult and teenage characters drink alcoholic beverages and smoke cigarettes in several scenes.
38 of 65 found this moderate
A car kills anyone who goes inside it. Some are implied. One scene shows the car strangling a girl.
Christine is shown appearing out of a burning gas station entirely set on fire.
The slow deterioration of Arnie's sanity is focused on throughout the movie, and his eventual breaking point might upset some viewers.