A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Johnny Depp: Glen Lantz
Glen Lantz : Miss Nude America is going to be on tonight.
Mrs. Lantz : How can you hear what she's going to say?
Glen Lantz : Who cares what she says?
[Glen is trying to get to sleep on the couch alone, but the sounds of Tina and Rod having sex is keeping him up]
Glen Lantz : Morality sucks.
Nancy Thompson : [after Glen failed to wake her up as she fell asleep and dreamed about Freddy] Glen, you bastard!
Glen Lantz : What did I do?
Nancy Thompson : I just asked you to do one thing, to stay awake and watch me and to wake me up if it looked like I was having a bad dream, and what did you do, you shit?
[Nancy slaps him on the knee]
Nancy Thompson : You fell asleep!
Nancy Thompson : I grab the guy in my dream. You see me struggling so you wake me up. We both come out, you whack the fucker and we got him.
Glen Lantz : Are you crazy? Hit him with what?
Nancy Thompson : You're the jock. You have a baseball bat or something.
Glen Lantz : Oh, man. Midnight, baseball bats and boogeymen. Beautiful.
Rod Lane : [after tackling Glen on the lawn] It's Rod Lane, bringing Lantz down, just three yards from the goal line! What a brilliant tackle and the crowd goes wild!
Tina Gray : What the hell are you doing here?
Rod Lane : Came to make up. No big deal. Your mom home?
Tina Gray : Of course.
[looking at the tool Rod used to make the screeching noise]
Tina Gray : Oh, what's that?
Rod Lane : Intense, huh?
[slowly reveals it and imitates a screeching noise]
Rod Lane : So what's going on here? An orgy or somethin'?
Glen Lantz : Maybe your funeral, dickhead.
[Rod pulls out a switchblade and holds it up to Glen's face]
Nancy Thompson : [closing Rod's switchblade and returning it] It's just a sleepover, Rod. Tina and me. Glen was just leaving.
Rod Lane : [to Tina, smirking] Did you see his face?
Glen Lantz : [mimicking Rod] "Did you see his face?"
Nancy Thompson : [she notices Glen standing outside her window with mud-caked soles] Sometimes I wish you didn't live right across the street.
Glen Lantz : [holds one of his muddy feet up to her] Will you shut up and let me in? Did you ever stand on a rose trellis in your bare feet?
Nancy Thompson : [referring to the Balinese way of dreaming] But what if they meet a monster in their dreams? Then what?
Glen Lantz : They turn their back on it. Take away its energy and it disappears.
Nancy Thompson : But what happens if they don't do that?
Glen Lantz : Well, I guess those people don't wake up to tell what happens.
Glen Lantz : What did you do to your arm?
Nancy Thompson : I burned it in English class.
Glen Lantz : We have reason to believe there may be something very strange going on.
Lt. Thompson : You got that right.
Nancy Thompson : What are you doing here?
Lt. Thompson : There's an unsolved murder and I hate unsolved murders, especially ones that my daughter is mixed up in. What are *you* doing here?
Nancy Thompson : Look, I just gotta see that he's okay.
Sgt. Garcia : I just checked on him ten minutes ago, he's sleeping like a baby. He's not going anywhere.
Glen Lantz : You believe this fog?
Nancy Thompson : Oh, I believe anything is possible.
Nancy Thompson : Okay, here's what we're going to do.
Glen Lantz : It's dark in here.
Nancy Thompson : But it's not what you're thinking.