A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Jsu Garcia: Rod Lane
Rod Lane : [after tackling Glen on the lawn] It's Rod Lane, bringing Lantz down, just three yards from the goal line! What a brilliant tackle and the crowd goes wild!
Tina Gray : What the hell are you doing here?
Rod Lane : Came to make up. No big deal. Your mom home?
Tina Gray : Of course.
[looking at the tool Rod used to make the screeching noise]
Tina Gray : Oh, what's that?
Rod Lane : Intense, huh?
[slowly reveals it and imitates a screeching noise]
Rod Lane : So what's going on here? An orgy or somethin'?
Glen Lantz : Maybe your funeral, dickhead.
[Rod pulls out a switchblade and holds it up to Glen's face]
Nancy Thompson : [closing Rod's switchblade and returning it] It's just a sleepover, Rod. Tina and me. Glen was just leaving.
Rod Lane : [to Tina, smirking] Did you see his face?
Glen Lantz : [mimicking Rod] "Did you see his face?"
Rod Lane : Don't look at me like I'm some fuckin' fruitcake or something! I'm warning you!
Rod Lane : I probably could have saved her if I'd have moved sooner. But I thought it was just another nightmare, like the one I had the night before. There was... there was this guy; he had knives for fingers.
Rod Lane : [to Tina] Guys can have nightmares too, ya know. Ya ain't got a corner on the market or somethin'.