A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Amanda Wyss: Tina Gray
[Tina is in the alley behind her home when a trashcan lid suddenly comes rolling out and crashes at her feet. She turns around]
Fred Krueger : Tina...
Tina Gray : Shit.
[Freddy laughs mockingly as he appears, extending his arms across the entire width of the alley]
Tina Gray : Please, God!
Fred Krueger : [reveals his glove] This... is God!
[Freddy wears Tina mask]
Tina Gray : Nancy, help me, please. Save me from...
[removes mask]
Fred Krueger : Freddy!
Tina Gray : Nancy, you dreamed about the same creep I did.
Rod Lane : [after tackling Glen on the lawn] It's Rod Lane, bringing Lantz down, just three yards from the goal line! What a brilliant tackle and the crowd goes wild!
Tina Gray : What the hell are you doing here?
Rod Lane : Came to make up. No big deal. Your mom home?
Tina Gray : Of course.
[looking at the tool Rod used to make the screeching noise]
Tina Gray : Oh, what's that?
Rod Lane : Intense, huh?
[slowly reveals it and imitates a screeching noise]
Rod Lane : So what's going on here? An orgy or somethin'?
Glen Lantz : Maybe your funeral, dickhead.
[Rod pulls out a switchblade and holds it up to Glen's face]
Nancy Thompson : [closing Rod's switchblade and returning it] It's just a sleepover, Rod. Tina and me. Glen was just leaving.
Rod Lane : [to Tina, smirking] Did you see his face?
Glen Lantz : [mimicking Rod] "Did you see his face?"
Tina's Mom : You okay, Tina?
Tina Gray : Just a dream, Ma'.
Tina's Mom : Hm, some dream judging from that.
[Tina looks down to see that there are four tears in her night-gown]
Tina Gray : [to Nancy] Maybe we're gonna have a big earthquake. They say things get really weird just before.
Tina Gray : All day long I've been seeing that guy's weird face and hearing those fingernails.
Nancy Thompson : Fingernails? That's amazing you saying that. That made me remember the dream I had last night.
Tina Gray : What'd you dream?
Nancy Thompson : I dreamed about a guy in a dirty red and green sweater.
[Glen looks up, curious]
Tina Gray : Well, what about the fingernails?
Nancy Thompson : Well, he scraped his fingernails along things. Actually, they were more like finger-knives or something; something he'd made himself. They made a horrible sound...
[imitating nails on a chalkboard]
Nancy Thompson : Screeech.