203 of 401 found this mild
Freddy makes a suggestive gesture with his tongue towards a woman.
A teenage couple overhears another teenage couple have sex. Loud sexual noises are heard. Couple is shown in bed afterwards with their bare shoulders above the covers.
A character says, "I had a hard on last night," to which another character makes a crass joke about.
Tina is wearing panties and an oversized shirt when Freddy is chasing her. Her legs and thighs are seen the whole time.
While fighting a woman's shirt is cut, no nudity, not sexual.
Nancy is shown in the bath non sexual, no nudity.
When Tina's mother walks into her room in the start of the movie, her boyfriend comes in and tells her to come back to bed, heavily implying that they were or were going to have sex. Her mom is also wearing nothing but a robe.
In the Bath scene you see a female characters side-boob as she is dragged underwater.
The films nudity is very brief it's not explicit like other 80s films.
When the daughter in the bath you can see freddy's claw stick out in between her legs.
150 of 242 found this severe
A woman is slashed across the chest, we see some fake looking blood.
A body bag is shown, it is said that one of the victims is in it.
This movie is quite bloody, the end is almost as well can scare viewers (see frightening and intense scenes for more)
Freddy sliced up a girl in her dream.
Slimy, goo-like images shown, very brief.
In a dream sequence, a character accidentally tears Freddy's face off. His muscles and skull are seen, although it's presented in a slightly cartoonish way.
Freddy causes a teenage boy's bedsheets to come to life and strangle him to death. Very brief.
In a dream sequence, a woman turns into an ashy skeleton.
Freddy smashes his clawed hand through a door's window and pulls a woman through it, where her implied death occurs afterwards. However, it's worth noting that the effect looks hilariously fake.
141 of 221 found this moderate
D**khead is said.
At least 4 F words, a few uses of "shit;" "ass," "damn," and "hell" are used; as well as other crude language.
150 of 198 found this mild
Nancy takes several pills of caffeine to stay awake and avoid confrontation with Freddy.
Nancy's mother is an alcoholic, and is seen drinking in several scenes. She is also seen smoking cigarettes.
149 of 222 found this severe
The film compared to horror films now is pretty mild. There's a cartoonish amount of blood shown, but the film is more just "spooky" than anything. It doesn't ever feel disturbing.
Freddy's appearance is the scariest thing in the movie with his burnt face and his glove with finger knives.
The film's primary sources of terror are from the disturbing imagery found in the dream sequences, as well as the unknown, mysterious figure of Freddy.
The ending is very creepy and unsettling, especially since it comes out of nowhere.
Several jump scares throughout the film.