I like Danny devito. His sense of comedy and timing are really what make the movies he makes fun to watch. He is perfectly casted in "Wise guys" which is Brian De Palmas attempt at a comedy. The movie is pretty much a parody of the gangster genre which was popular in the 70's. The movie also stars Joe Piscapo as his bumbling Jewish friend Moe. The story is of these two men and their jobs in an organized crime syndicate were they are treated with low regards, even from their boss. harry (De vito) and Moe don't really have it easy in the mob. After screwing up on a simple job the main boss decides to have them both be given a contract to kill each other without either of them knowing. The comedy is good and fresh. particularly the scene at the church which still makes me crack up. Captain Lou albino is great as Frankie the fixer. The chemistry between Harry and Moe is well deserved in this buddy comedy. I think it was overlooked because they expected De Palma to make more serious oriented films that critics were used to like "Scarface", "The Untouchables" and "Carrie". Its disappointing that they passed on this film cuz:
1. I thought it was really good. 2. Each character got some good screen time 3. Its a great parody that even Scorsese would appreciate 4. De vito is just funny and thats always a plus.
If you like gangster films but prefer to see the genre itself be given fresh material, please look at this film, Its worth a rental.