Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Lou Hirsch: Baby Herman
Eddie Valiant : A ladies' man, eh?
Baby Herman : The problem is I got a fifty year old lust and a three year old dinky.
Eddie Valiant : Yeah. Must be tough.
Baby Herman : Look, Valiant, the rabbit didn't kill Acme. He's not a murderer, I should know, he's a dear friend of mine. I tell ya Valiant, the whole thing stinks like yesterday's diapers. Look at this. The papers said Acme left no will.
[Tosses Eddie a Newspaper which shows Marvin Acme with a will in the pocket of his shirt]
Baby Herman : That's a load of succotash. Any toon knows Acme had a will. He promised to leave Toontown to us toons. That will is the real reason he got bumped off.
Eddie Valiant : Has anybody ever seen this will?
Baby Herman : Ah, no. But he gave us his solemn oath.
Eddie Valiant : If you think that guy could do anything solemn, the gag's on you, pal.
Baby Herman : I just thought that since you were the one who got my pal in trouble, you might wanna help get him out. I can pay ya.
Eddie Valiant : [angry] Save your money for a pair of elevator shoes!
[pushes stroller]
Baby Herman : Hey hey hay, Valiant, wait!
[cigar falls to floor as stroller hits woman]
Baby Herman : My stogie!
[sees ruined cigar]
[as they're filming a Baby Herman Cartoon, things go wrong at the point when the Refrigerator gets dropped on Roger's head]
Raoul J. Raoul : Cut! Cut, cut, cut, cut, CUT!
Baby Herman : What the hell was wrong with THAT take?
Raoul J. Raoul : Nothing with you, Baby Herman. You were great. You were perfect. You were BETTER than perfect! It's Roger, he keeps BLOWING HIS LINES! Roger, what is this?
Roger Rabbit : A tweeting bird.
Raoul J. Raoul : "A tweeting bird." Roger, read this script. Look what it says. It says, "Rabbit gets klunked, rabbit sees STARS." Not birds, STARS!
Baby Herman : For crying out loud, Roger, I don't know how many times we have to do this damn scene! Raoul, I'll be in my trailer, taking a nap!
[Walks between a woman's legs]
Baby Herman : 'Scuse me, toots.
Baby Herman : Whatta you know, you dumb broad? You got the IQ of a rattle.
[Slaps woman's rear end]