Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Richard LeParmentier: Lt. Santino
Lt. Santino : Just like a toon to drop a safe on a guy's head.
Eddie Valiant : What's that?
Lt. Santino : Remember how they always thought there wasn't a way to kill a toon? Well, Doom found a way. Turpentine, acetone, benzene. He calls it "The Dip."
Judge Doom : I'll catch the rabbit, Mr. Valiant. And I'll try him, convict him, and execute him.
[dips shoe in poison, and cremation smoke starts sizzling out]
Eddie Valiant : Geez.
Greasy : [laughs] That's one dead shoe, eh, boss?
Judge Doom : They're not kid gloves, Mr. Valiant. This is how we handle things down in Toontown. I would think you of all people would appreciate that.
Lt. Santino : [having woken up Eddie from a drunken stupor] Gee whiz, Eddie, if you really needed money so bad, then why didn't you come to me?
Eddie Valiant : So I took a couple of dirty pictures, kill me.
Lt. Santino : I've already got a stiff on my hands, thank you.
Eddie Valiant : Huh?
Lt. Santino : Marvin Acme. The rabbit cacked him last night.
Lt. Santino : Judge Doom killed Marvin Acme.
Eddie Valiant : And R.K. Maroon. And my brother.
Lt. Santino : Now that's what I call one seriously disturbed toon.
[Eddie is about to pick up the hand buzzer that fell off of Acme's corpse when Judge Doom stops him with his cane]
Judge Doom : Is this man removing evidence from the scene of the crime?
Lt. Santino : Ah, no, Judge Doom. Valiant here was just picking it up for you. Weren't you, Eddie?
Judge Doom : Hand it over.
Eddie Valiant : Sure.
[zaps Doom with buzzer]
Eddie Valiant : Their number one seller.
Judge Doom : I see working for a toon has rubbed off on you.
Eddie Valiant : I wasn't working for a toon. I was working for R.K. Maroon.
Judge Doom : Yes, we talked to Mr. Maroon. He told us the rabbit became quite agitated when you showed him the pictures. The rabbit said one way or another he and his wife were going to be happy. Is that true?
Eddie Valiant : Do I look like a stenographer?
Lt. Santino : Shut your yap, Eddie. The man's a judge.
Judge Doom : That's all right, Lieutenant. From the smell of him, I'd say it was the booze talking.
Lt. Santino : Just like a toon to drop a safe on a guy's head.
[Valiant looks at him in disgust]
Lt. Santino : Sorry, Eddie.
Lieutenant Santino : Judge Doom killed Marvin Acme?
Eddie Valiant : And R.K. Maroon, and my brother.
Lieutenant Santino : That's what I call one seriously disturbed toon.