Melanie Griffith credited as playing...
Maria Ruskin
- Sherman McCoy: I suppose we could still go to the police. We could get a very talented lawyer...
- Maria Ruskin: And put our heads right into the tiger's mouth? I'm the one who was driving the car. Don't you think I'm the one who should make the decision? And I say, no. No, Sherman. Trust me. Nothing is going to come of this little newspaper article. Absolutely nothing.
- Maria Ruskin: [while on Bronx] Sherman, I'm coming from the South and I'm starting to not like this very much!
- Maria Ruskin: [introducing Russian ballet dancer] He's defective.
- Sherman McCoy: You mean, he "defected".
- Maria Ruskin: No, I mean he doesn't speak any English.
- Maria Ruskin: [Maria and Sherman running in the car after take the wrong way and ending up on Bronx] Oh Sherman, LOOK OUT!
- Maria Ruskin: Oh Christ, Sherman, we're in the middle of a godamn war zone and you're worried about doing the right thing?