The Two Jakes (1990) Poster


Harvey Keitel: Jake Berman



  • Jake Berman : You know something, Jake, you might think you know what's going on around here, but... you don't.

  • Jake Berman : Where were we?

    Jake Gittes : Well, I was accusing you of murder, Mr. Berman.

    Jake Berman : Call me Jake.

  • Jake Berman : You know who else couldn't buy a house here? Me. I can build it and I can sell it, just as long as I don't move in next door. They don't want Mexicans or Jews around. Let me tell you something else. The customer is always right.

  • Jake Berman : What do you call four drowning Mexicans? Quattro sinko.

  • Jake Berman : I got a wife to protect.

    Jake Gittes : Protect? You mean divorce, don't you?

    Jake Berman : Yeah. That too. Yeah.

  • Jake Gittes : I know how edgy you must be, Julius, but...

    Jake Berman : My friends call me Jake.

    Jake Gittes : Well, that makes two of us. That's what my friends call me.

    Jake Berman : Is that right? Is that right? He's a Jake and I'm a Jake.

    Jake Gittes : Yeah. How about that? Two Jakes.

  • Tyrone Otley : These earthquakes are shaking up our water wells like soda pop. Only it's not soda pop. Millions of gallons of water and gas under these homes. And it's gettin' hazardous.

    Jake Berman : What do you mean, hazardous?

    Tyrone Otley : It could explode.

    Jake Berman : You said it was marsh gas. I thought only natural gas was explosive.

    Tyrone Otley : Mr Berman, whether it comes from an old marsh or baked beans, all gas is natural. Gas is gas!

  • Jake Berman : I tell you, nothing beats bad luck, does it?

  • Jake Berman : I can make the rest of your life awful easy. You never know when you're gonna need something extra.

  • Jake Berman : Yeah, I'll gonna have more lawsuits than Carter has liver pills.

See also

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