640 of 884 found this severe
Several women are forced to strip nude & enter a chamber. During this scene, full frontal female nudity is displayed by many females.
This movie features full frontal nudity of men and women. A scene in which male and female captives are performing in front of physicians to determine their physical health displays graphic male and female nudity.
Men and women are forced to take off their clothes and run in circles as a way of humiliation.
One sex scene and many implied sex scenes with nudity in their aftermath.
A man has sex with his mistress showing moaning, thrusting & her bare breasts.
A nude woman lies in man's bed & her bare breasts are displayed several times.
A man kisses one woman after another
A woman wears a shirt that allows the form of her nipples to be seen at times.
A man grabs a woman's clothed breast against her will.
A man kisses a woman who does not want to be kissed
514 of 556 found this severe
Lots of scenes of Nazis murdering innocent people and multiple scenes of brutality against innocent people.
One of the most realistic and true to life depictions of violence in cinematic history.
A woman engineer is shot in back of her head after arguing about a building's structure with a Nazi officer. Blood flow is seen on the ground.
A Nazi officer and his men confront a group of Jewish prisoners over a stolen chicken. When no one talks, he and one of his men shoot one of them at point blank range in the stomach and shoots the man a second time in the head; blood is seen pooling from his head. As the officer is about to shoot another one, a young boy steps up claiming that the dead man is the culprit.
Although this movie doesn't contain a bunch of over-the-top blood and gore its still very disturbing since you see tons of innocent people getting senselessly murdered including children.
There is a sequence that lasts roughly three minutes that depicts the liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto. The sequence shows dozens of Jews being executed, however, unlike most executions in the film, barely any blood or gore is shown.
A man executes 25 men and all the victims die realistically - blood is on his face and blood spray is seen and blood is on the floor.
Immensely graphic, explicit and disturbing violence.
A young boy is shot in the head offscreen. Brain matter is seen splattered all over the floor afterward.
The film presents a horrific, stomach-wrenching depiction of the holocaust: many, many people are seen being killed in one form or another. They are shot at point blank range, children are slaughtered, many more are killed in gas chambers. It is the kind of violence that stays with one for a long time. It is VERY, very disturbing because it is not only graphic, but also very realistic.
298 of 540 found this moderate
8 uses of "fuck", 2 uses of "bitch", and 1 use each of "hell", "bastard", and "prick".
"Christ" is abused.
264 of 510 found this moderate
Several characters are seen drinking alcoholic beverages. One character is seen drunk in a few scenes. Smoking is frequently shown.
487 of 527 found this severe
Multiple nude corpses are shown going up a conveyor belt into a burning pile of other dead bodies. A potentially mentally ill nazi officer fires a pistol into the pile of the corpses.
Half of the movie focuses on how the Jews died during the Holocaust unexpectedly, which can be really sad and emotionally intense
This movie isn't particularly scary, but is very disturbing, violent, and tragic.
Every death scene to any character is realistic which makes it somehow frightening.
The sequence of the ghetto being liquidated contains continual violence, which viewers could find emotionally disturbing.
The sequence of a worker surviving an attempted execution by Amon Goeth is suspenseful.
This film as a whole pulls absolutely no punches in its graphic depiction of the Holocaust, not to mention that it delves deeply into the horrors of war. Because of its grisly subject matter and hauntingly tragic tone, it can be emotionally taxing and difficult to watch.