533 of 997 found this moderate
A woman takes off her bra in front of a man. There is no nudity shown, only back is seen.
In a magazine, partial female nudity is very briefly visible. Easy to miss.
Jenny plays a guitar naked at a club. The guitar covers her sensitive areas. She is harassed and hit on by the audience.
Mrs gump sleeps with the headteacher of a school to allow forest into the school. All that is heard is a bunch of grunts, and forest listens from outside, and then later insults the teacher by mocking his grunting noises.
In a locker room, Forest and other guys are seen naked, and Forrest barely, but cleverly covers sensitive areas.
It is stated / implied that a young girl and her sisters are sexually abused by their father.
Jenny flashes her breasts at Forrest. While nothing is shown you can see a tiny bit of Jenny's breast on the side.
335 of 501 found this moderate
90% of the violence occurs during the Vietnam chapter, explosions, gun shots, dead bodies, etc. other than that nothing else happens except (non-graphic) punching and bullying.
A man slaps Jenny and Forrest beats up people who abuse/"annoy" Jenny.
Forrest finds and saves plenty of soldiers in the jungle. The men have blood on them. One of the men hurts his legs so badly to the point that they had to be amputated.
Real-life footage of a man being gunned down and blood seeping through his shirt is shown for a few seconds.
Forrest runs to a car and he starts punching the driver but he is stopped by Jenny. The reason why he did it because he thinks the driver was hurting Jenny and she claims he wasn't.
Forrest has to carry the injured out of the jungle in a Vietnam war scene and people are seen with bloody wounds on there body caused by gun shots and explosions.
A woman nearly commits suicide by jumping from a building.
Bullies insult, throw rocks at, and chase another boy (one rock hits him in the head and we see a little bit of blood). Later, the boy is shown older and he is again chased by bullies in a car. He manages to escape from the bullies both times, unharmed the second time.
Some other more violent historical events are also shown, including newsreels of George Wallace getting shot (we see some blood) and assassination attempts on Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. The assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and John Lennon are also referenced, but not shown.
Several fistfights occur throughout the movie that result in bloody noses, black eyes, and other minor injuries. One such fight ensues from a man's violent reaction to a woman getting slapped across the face and knocked to the ground.
332 of 559 found this moderate
A few racial slurs are said including the 'n-word'
305 of 444 found this moderate
The movie contains moderate drug content but nothing too explicit as the camera usually cuts off before we see the direct usage.
Lt. Dan becomes an alcoholic after the war. He drinks beer constantly. One scene shows Jenny snorting coke at a party. Cigarette smoking for the time period capture.
Effects of major drug usage are shown in the latter half of the movie.
A woman is shown snorting cocaine (very briefly). It is later implied that she had just injected herself with heroin.
Bongs, ashtrays, bottles of pills, needles, and other drug paraphernalia are shown a couple times (we never see them being used, however).
A man smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol in several scenes. We see empty bottles of alcohol littered around his apartment.
267 of 459 found this moderate
Mature themes, war violence, drug use, injury detail, sexual references, coarse language, nudity and suicide references.
Forrest is bullied as a boy for wearing leg braces and having a low IQ, which may upset some viewers
This movie shows that we should have more respect for people who are disabled, because they can do amazing things. There is some emotional scenes, but it's mainly inspiring and feel-good.
Some war related scenes may be difficult to watch for viewers who have PTSD or are sensitive to gun violence.
A war scene in Vietnam is quite violent and has gunfire, explosions, and shouting. Some bloody wounds are shown and at least one man is killed. Soldiers are later seen seriously injured, and some with missing limbs and bandaged in a hospital. A man's legs are amputated (off screen) as a result of what happened in the aforementioned Vietnam War sequence and he is for some time depicted as being bitter and depressed and as having turned to alcohol to deal with his loss.