507 of 1021 found this mild
Several references to sex are covered during the movie.
A photo of a man, wearing a strap-on with a large sharp blade (where his penis would be). This photo is shown twice.
A conversation about a man killing a woman by wearing a strap-on with a blade.
Two characters kiss while in bed. This is brief and not sexual.
A character says "masturbating."
Lust is one of the 7 deadly sins utilized by the killer.
Towards the beginning of the movie (0:13:31), a dead obese man is seen on an autopsy table. His genitals can be briefly seen for about two seconds.
Very disturbing scene about lust.there's a dead prostitute strapped to a bed and the details are not seen, but they are verbally graphic.
Nude photos of men seen when summer set is in library scrolling through books.
A man is forced to rape a woman with a big blade attached to his penis but it's not shown .
668 of 769 found this severe
Torture is discussed but it is never shown. Also, the aftermath of killings is shown.
The violent act in which these victims are killed is not shown. The detective work displays the aftermath of the victims in a grim and gruesome way either on location, in pictures or both. Some of these scenes can be disturbing.
A large, obese man's bound corpse is found. It was hinted that the murderer made him eat a lot of spaghetti before kicking him in the stomach and rupturing it off-screen, revealing the gluttony sin.
A guy is depicted as having bled to death after being ordered by another man to chop off a pound of flesh off-screen, representing the Greed Sin. Blood is seen spattered on a carpet, and the word "Greed" is written in letters all over the floor.
A police officer finds something on a bed that is wrapped in a blanket during a raid. When it is removed, a horribly emaciated guy with veiny, gray skin and marks is shown to have been confined to a bed for a year, slowly starving him to death until an off-screen heart attack kills him, symbolizing the Sloth Sin. The police panic and hurry the guy to the hospital as he chokes on breath, demonstrating that he is still alive.
The man who was being interrogated tells of being forced to use a sharpened dildo and have intercourse with a woman while the killer holds the gun and holds him at gunpoint. The woman is tragically stabbed as a result of this (off-screen). Her body is seen later, when the police arrive at the murder scene (the shot is set up such that the guy obscures everything from the camera except her legs).
The image shows a woman on a bed with blood all over her. It is revealed that she overdosed on sleeping pills and killed herself (off-screen) after a guy defaced her face by chopping off her nose. When the cops show up at her residence later, her body is seen. The word "Pride" is written in blood on the walls.
Two men pursue a murderer through buildings, resulting in gunshots and a soggy street. They encounter the murderer in an alleyway, who hides on a truck and uses a tire iron to strike his face, causing a gash on his eye and temple. The murderer, aiming a pistol at his temple, spares him.
A murderer walks into a police precinct and hands himself in. The entire precinct looks at him as he summons the detective. He displays blood spattered on his clothes and the chopping off of his fingertips. He is told to get on the ground by the cops, who then handcuff him. As one of the policemen tries to bind him, blood covers all over his hands.
Grisly violence.
468 of 666 found this severe
Most of the swearing happens in the second half of the movie.
85 "f" words (2 used sexually, 1 with the prefix "mother"), 14 "s" words, 10 hells, 1 slang reference for male genitals ("d*ck") used as an exclamation, 1 ass, 1 damn, 1 bitch, and 7 uses of "Jesus" and/or "Christ," 6 uses of "Goddamn," and 1 use of "God" as exclamations.
Strong language.
456 of 595 found this mild
People are seen smoking and drinking.
Wine is shown during a dinner table scene
605 of 687 found this severe
The film has an exceptionally dark theme, story and tone.
The film is sometimes very dark and disturbing in terms of violence with various murders related to the thematics of the seven deadly sins
None of the murders are shown but you see the aftermath of some of them and it is very brutal. When nothing is shown it is also very disturbing.
The film is intended for people 18 over due to violence, graphic scenes and profanity.