Julie : Barry, stop!
Barry : No! Wake up, Julie. He's behind all this! How many fucked up fisherman are out there?
Ray : Look, he's after me too! I got a letter.
Barry : Oh, you got a letter? I got run over! Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a body in her trunk, and you get a letter? That's balanced!
Helen : By that time I'll just be finishing my two year contract with Guiding Light, coinciding with your first year as starting quarterback for the Steelers.
Barry : Cowboys.
Helen : Whatever. Then we can elope to Europe, or the Caymans, wherever, where I'll let you impregnate me with the first of 3 children before you head off to rehab. Then we can live happily, blah blah blah.
Barry : We're going home now and never, ever, under any circumstances known to God speak about this again is that clear? It is now merely a future therapy bill agreed?
Barry : [screaming] Helen?
Helen : I'll never mention it again.
Barry : We make a pact, right here and now we take this to our grave.
Ray : Agreed.
Barry : Julie?
[Julie nods her head in agreement]
Barry : [livid] Don't you nod your head, you fuckin' say it.
Julie : [somber] Yeah okay.
Barry : [Barry runs and grabs Julie by the neck pushing her against the car] We take this to our grave, let me hear it.
Ray : Let her go, Barry.
Barry : You fucking say it!
Julie : Okay, Barry, we take this to the grave.
Barry : Even if his body washes ashore in the next couple of weeks, he'll be eaten by crabs and small fish. Maybe we'll get lucky with a shark. Take him to the side.
Julie : Yeah but this is insane now Barry look at us, this secret's killing us.
Barry : I'm not going to the police and you're not either.
Julie : Barry please, we could put an end to it and maybe salvage some small fraction of a life.
Barry : And how do we do that? Huh? There was no accident Julie it was murder, your words remember? Murder. I say we find the fuck who's doing this and have a little one on one.
Barry : We made a pact and we're keeping it.
Barry : [to Ray] And since you bring it up... we all know *you* have a slicker.
Barry : Nobody drives my car but me, you got that, shit smear?