I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) Poster

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Julie James



  • Julie : Barry, stop!

    Barry : No! Wake up, Julie. He's behind all this! How many fucked up fisherman are out there?

    Ray : Look, he's after me too! I got a letter.

    Barry : Oh, you got a letter? I got run over! Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a body in her trunk, and you get a letter? That's balanced!

  • [the killer threatens Julie with his ice hook] 

    Ben Willis : Happy Fourth of July, Julie!

    Julie : [terrified]  Please... it was an accident!

    Ben Willis : I know all about "accidents", and let me give you some advice: When you leave a man for dead, make sure that he's REALLY dead!

  • Julie : Guys... Hi... I'm on sexist overload as it is, kill the commentary.

  • Julie : Why would he try to run you over? Why did he make coleslaw on Helen's head? He's fucking with us! He's just out there, and he's watching and waiting!

    [screaming to the killer] 


  • Julie : Helen, we killed a man and ruined the lives of everyone he knew.

    Helen : I don't think we were that powerful Julie, you're giving us way to much credit.

  • Barry : How do you know this is even related? You did a lot of things last summer.

    Julie : Yeah, well, only one murder comes to mind.

    Barry : You shut the hell up!

    [looks behind to see if his mother is listening] 

  • Ben Willis : You in some kind of trouble child?

    Julie : Yes, yeah I'm in a lot of trouble.

    Ben Willis : That's a shame, being that it's the 4th of July and all. Kids like you should be out having fun. Drinking, partying, running people over, getting away with murder... things like that.

  • Helen : Hey, its all about the hair. Don't you forget that. Especially when you become some big hotshot lawyer. Those professional types think its all about brains and ability and completely ignore the do

    Julie : So, the do is vital, got it

  • Julie : We need help.

    Barry : I'll say. You two should check out a mirror sometime. You look like shit run over twice.

    Helen : You're a prick!

  • Helen : What happened to us? We used to be best friends.

    Julie : We used to be a lot of things.

  • Barry : We're going home now and never, ever, under any circumstances known to God speak about this again is that clear? It is now merely a future therapy bill agreed?

    Barry : [screaming]  Helen?

    Helen : I'll never mention it again.

    Barry : We make a pact, right here and now we take this to our grave.

    Ray : Agreed.

    Barry : Julie?

    [Julie nods her head in agreement] 

    Barry : [livid]  Don't you nod your head, you fuckin' say it.

    Julie : [somber]  Yeah okay.

    Barry : [Barry runs and grabs Julie by the neck pushing her against the car]  We take this to our grave, let me hear it.

    Ray : Let her go, Barry.

    Barry : You fucking say it!

    Julie : Okay, Barry, we take this to the grave.

  • Julie : Wait.

    Ray : What?

    Julie : Should we check his wallet and see who he is?

    Barry : Why?

    Julie : I don't know okay, just to know.

    Helen : I don't want to know.

    Barry : Let's just pretend he's some escaped lunatic with a hook for a hand and we're doing everybody a favor.

  • Ray : See, no one gets me the way you do.

    Julie : I understand your pain.

  • Julie : I hate this, I really hate this. You're gonna go and you're gonna fall for some head-shaven, black-wearin, tattoo-covered, body-piercing philosophy student."

    Ray : That sounds attractive.

  • Julie : Please, it's a fictional story created to warn young girls of the dangers of having premarital sex.

    Ray : Well actually honey, you know how terrified I am of your IQ but it's an urban legend, American folklore and they all usually originate from some real life incident.

  • Julie : Yeah but this is insane now Barry look at us, this secret's killing us.

    Barry : I'm not going to the police and you're not either.

    Julie : Barry please, we could put an end to it and maybe salvage some small fraction of a life.

    Barry : And how do we do that? Huh? There was no accident Julie it was murder, your words remember? Murder. I say we find the fuck who's doing this and have a little one on one.

  • Helen : [Pulling up in front of Helen's house]  What now?

    Julie : Now, we try and locate this Billy Blue?

    Helen : [Sitting there in silence for a few seconds]  Maybe he wanted to die.

    Julie : What?

    Helen : David Egan. His girlfriend was killed on that same road, July 4th one year earlier. Maybe he blamed himself, maybe he was sitting in the road waiting for us to hit him.

    Julie : Yeah, if that'll help you sleep at night.

    Helen : What's happened between us? We used to be best friends.

    Julie : We used to be a lot of things.

    Helen : I miss you.

    [Julie doesn't respond] 

    Helen : Yeah, well...

    [She gets out of the car, feelings a little hurt, as Julie drives on home] 

  • Julie : [on the phone with Ray]  I miss you, too. But I'm gonna see you in a couple of weeks. God, I cannot wait. I love New York. No! Of course I love you more! Yes, I do. I love you, and you know that. But you know what? I've gotta take a shower. I'm running really late.

    Deb : Hey, Julie, you got some mail!

    Julie : Oh, thanks, Deb!

    [returning her attention to her call] 

    Julie : A towel. Ray! Don't you start with me! Look, you, mister, can ravage me in two weeks.

  • Helen : Julie? W-When did you get home?

    Julie : Yesterday.

    Helen : It's good to see you.

    Julie : What happened to New York?

    Helen : I went for a while. It, um...

    [laughing awkwardly] 

    Helen : It didn't really work out.

  • Elsa Shivers : Well, well. Look what the cat drug in.

    Julie : Elsa. Hi. You know what? I need to talk to Helen, and I was wondering if you could give me her New York number.

    Elsa Shivers : Her New York number.

    Julie : Yeah, I need to talk to her.

    Elsa Shivers : Fact check, Julie. Helen doesn't have a New York number. If you need to speak with her, I suggest you go to women's fragrances, ten feet to your left.

    [at a counter, Helen clumsily knocks fragrance bottles over] 

    Elsa Shivers : Frightening, isn't it?

  • Julie : [to Barry]  Can you say alcoholic?

  • Julie : Wait a second. I remember he had her name tattooed on his arm. I saw it.

  • Ray : We have to think about this...

    Julie : About what? About what? He was crossing the road in the middle of the night! It was an accident!

  • Julie : [after discovering the killer has removed Max's body from her trunk]  No... don't... don't even! He was there, goddamn it, and he was wearing your jacket, Barry!

  • Helen : [Approaching Missy Egan's House]  What if they're waiting for us? What if they recognize us? They could have a gun and shoot us dead.

    Julie : It's been a year, Helen, they could have done that already.

    Helen : Jodie Foster tried this and the skin-ripping serial killer answered the door.

    [Julie knocks on the front door twice, but with no answer] 

    Helen : Well, it was a good try.

    [Julie walks away, going around to the side of the house, with Helen becoming more nervous; Julie climbs onto some logs to peek into the side window] 

    Helen : We're adding Breaking and Entering to our crime spree?

    Melissa Egan : [Missy Egan approaches the girls]  Can I help you?

    Julie : Oh, um... Hi.


    Julie : Uh, our car stalled down the road and we were just wondering if. maybe, we could use your phone?

    Melissa Egan : [Entering Missy's living room]  Phone's over there.

    Julie : Oh, thanks. Um... Jodie... would you call Triple A?

    Helen : You got it... Angela.

    [They all smile; as Helen turns to use the phone, she bumps into fisherman's slicker, startling her; she and Julie laugh it off, as Helen goes over to the phone and makes her phone call] 

    Melissa Egan : [to Julie]  My name's Missy Egan. Are you girls from Erbelle?

    Julie : Uh, Southport.

    Melissa Egan : Oh, oh, I went to Southport High.

    Julie : Yeah, I, I knew you looked familiar. What, what year?

    Melissa Egan : Uh, Class of '88.

    Julie : Your name, Egan, sounds very familiar. Did you have a, a brother or something?

    Melissa Egan : I did, but he was younger than me: David. Younger.

    Julie : What class was he?

    Melissa Egan : Ah, '92, but he's dead. He died last July.

    Julie : I'm... I'm so sorry.

    Melissa Egan : Thanks.

    [She starts to walk towards the kitchen] 

    Julie : Do... do you, ah, do you live alone?

    Melissa Egan : [She stops, laughs, then answers Julie's question]  Yeah, I do. Ah, well, my Dad died a long time ago and my, my, Ma, she's in a home, you know, in Aurora because she didn't take too, too well what happened with David. Things just haven't been the same since he died.

    Helen : [Helen comes back into the room]  They're on their way.

    Melissa Egan : I could, uh, uh, make you guys a cup of tea while you're waiting.

    Helen : Thanks.

    Julie : Yeah, thanks, that's, that's nice of you.

    Helen : [Missy goes into her kitchen to start making a pot of tea, as Julie and Helen look at the pictures]  You know, I think I remember David. He had a friend, right, what was his name?

    Melissa Egan : [From the kitchen]  Who?

    Helen : Didn't he hang out with this guy? And they were really close. God, what was his name? Um...?

    Melissa Egan : [Coming back into the living room]  Oh, I, I don't know I didn't, I didn't know too many of David's friends.

    Helen : Oh.

    Melissa Egan : But there, there was one guy. One guy, he, he, he stopped by not too long after David's death and and, he came to pay his respects.

    Julie : Really?

    Melissa Egan : Oh, yeah. He... was a really nice guy, he was cute and smart. We were, we were... sweet on each other for about 2 minutes. But it didn't, it didn't work out. You know, he didn't... he never really said it, but I think it hurt him to be around me.

    Helen : Where is his old friend now?

    Melissa Egan : Oh, I... I don't know.

    Helen : Do you remember his name?

    Melissa Egan : Billy.

    Helen : Did he have a last name?

    Melissa Egan : Blue. Billy Blue.

    Julie : Well, you know what? Um... we should probably wait back at the car.

  • Melissa Egan : Don't, don't be ridiculous. Why don't you, ah, stay?

    Julie : No, I, I, I don't, I don't want to miss Triple A.

    Helen : We appreciate the phone.

    Melissa Egan : [as Julie and Helen leave the house]  Anytime. You know, I, I don't get too many knocks on my door now 'days.

    Helen : [In Julie's car]  You okay?

    Julie : I freaked out, I'm sorry. But being in his house and seeing his sister. God, do you see what we've done?

    Helen : It was an accident.

    Julie : Helen, we killed a man and then ruined the lives of everyone he knew.

    Helen : I don't think we're that powerful, Julie. You're giving us way too much credit.

    Melissa Egan : [Missy jumps up on the Julie's side of the car, trying to catch up with them, startling both Helen and Julie]  HEY! You forgot cigarettes.

    [She hands them to Julie, who hands them over to Helen] 

    Julie : Thank you.

    Melissa Egan : Well, I see you got this car started, didn't ya?

    Julie : Yeah. Damnedest thing, it just started right up.

    Melissa Egan : Funny how that happens.

    [They drive off, while Missy begins to look suspicious of them] 

  • Julie : [while visiting Missy a second time, they continue to discuss Missy's brother's suicide, as Missy is filleting fish]  I need to find your brother's friend, Billy Blue. I need to talk to him, thinking maybe you could look through this yearbook, that way-...

    Melissa Egan : [a little impatient]  What's, what's this all about?

    Julie : Well, it's too crazy to explain, but it has to do with your brother and last July 4th.

    Melissa Egan : [Still impatient]  What about it?

    Julie : What happened to your brother wasn't an accident, there's more to it than that.

    Melissa Egan : I know.

    Julie : You know what?

    Melissa Egan : It's why he killed himself.

    Julie : He what?

    Melissa Egan : Yeah. He, he went up there to die that night. That's where she died. See, the whole town blamed him for her death.

    Julie : How do you know it was a suicide?

    Melissa Egan : He left a note.

    [She puts down her knife and walks over to a shed to retrieve the suicide note to show Julie] 

    Melissa Egan : I had to keep this from the insurance company because they wouldn't pay me the money if they found out it was a suicide.

    [She comes out of the shed with the note] 

    Melissa Egan : The money's already been spent.

    [She hands Julie the note which reads, "I will never forget last Summer"] 

    Julie : This isn't a suicide note. This is a death threat.

    Melissa Egan : What are you... what are you talking about?

    Julie : Your brother didn't kill himself. I saw him, I was there and whoever sent this was there, too.

    Melissa Egan : What do you mean you saw him? Where? Where did you see him?

    Julie : Crossing the road, we hit him. It was an accident.

    Melissa Egan : NO!

    [She snatches the note back from Julie] 

    Melissa Egan : My brother drowned!

    Julie : I saw him. He had Susie tattooed on his arm.

    Melissa Egan : Tattoo? He doesn't have a tattoo!

    Julie : I saw it on his arm-...


    [No response] 

    Melissa Egan : GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!

    [She goes back into the shed, glaring at Julie] 

    Julie : [Realizing David Egan was not the one she and her friends hit that night]  Oh, my God. It wasn't your brother.

See also

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