82 of 150 found this mild
Julie comes out of the shower wrapped in a small towel. Her legs and thighs are shown, along with a large amount of cleavage. She wears the towel for about five minutes. No nudity.
In the beach scene, all of the 4 main character have sex (not explicit).
Helen and other beauty pageant contestants wear bathing suits on stage, many of them showing cleavage. Ray comments that he never realized Helen's breasts were so "ample" and then Barry comments that she does exercises to "pump them up".
Julie and Helen wear cleavage revealing tops throughout the film.
49 of 107 found this moderate
Max death is the most graphic one. The other kills are off screen and/or have little blood.
Kinda tame for slasher.
A man is murdered offscreen (his death was believed to be accidental drowning).
A young man gets impaled with a hook under his chin. Blood pours out of his chin and mouth and he is dragged over a counter with blood smearing all over the counter.
A young man is hit by a car and crashed through a building. Although he's alive, he lies on the ground with cuts and scrapes on his face.
A woman's neck is sliced by a hook. Blood splashes on a window. The killer is seen with dragging her body away with his hook impaled into her chest, and carrying her by the hook. Probably the most disturbing image of the movie. Her dead body is later seen stashed in a bathroom with blood on her neck and on the toilet.
A man is stabbed in the stomach with a hook and lifted into the sky. Blood pours from his mouth. The killer then removes the hook and wipes blood off of it.
A young woman discovers a young man's corpse in her car truck covered in crabs (crabs seen crawling in his mouth). The same woman later discovers a corpse of a young woman (with bloody wounds) and a young man's frozen face under ice. Pretty shocking.
An evil man carrying a hook chases a young woman on his boat and strikes a young man with the hook. The evil man's hand is caught in rigging, and he is lifted into the air. We see his hand sever at the wrist and fall off when the rigging tightens.
52 of 97 found this severe
There are 3 uses of the GD word
Some strong language. 33 uses of "fuck". Typical teen slasher language. Most of the strong language is done by Ryan Phillippe's character Barry.
60 of 82 found this mild
Some teen drinking.
A teen character smokes cigarettes.
Julie's mother ridiculously asks her daughter if she's on drugs. She calmly answers no.
53 of 92 found this moderate
There are scenes of a man with a fish hook killing people brutally
Moderate. Several jump scares.
The killer may be frightening to some.
Several stalking scenes. Several jump scares. Killer terrorizes his victims a bit.
Very eerie and suspenseful.