- Julie: Barry, stop!
- Barry: No! Wake up, Julie. He's behind all this! How many fucked up fisherman are out there?
- Ray: Look, he's after me too! I got a letter.
- Barry: Oh, you got a letter? I got run over! Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a body in her trunk, and you get a letter? That's balanced!
- [the killer threatens Julie with his ice hook]
- Ben Willis: Happy Fourth of July, Julie!
- Julie: [terrified] Please... it was an accident!
- Ben Willis: I know all about "accidents", and let me give you some advice: When you leave a man for dead, make sure that he's REALLY dead!
- Officer David Caporizo: Oh, and did this killer use his hook to cut all your hair off?
- Helen: No, he used scissors, asshole.
- Helen: Listen, you little shit-stick-mayberry-ass reject. There's been a murder, and you are going to fry in hell if you ignore it!
- Helen: Well Bob, at summer's end I plan on moving to New York where I'll pursue a career as a serious actress. It's my goal to entertain the world through artistic expression. Through art I shall serve my country.
- Ben Willis: You in some kind of trouble child?
- Julie: Yes, yeah I'm in a lot of trouble.
- Ben Willis: That's a shame, being that it's the 4th of July and all. Kids like you should be out having fun. Drinking, partying, running people over, getting away with murder... things like that.
- Helen: By that time I'll just be finishing my two year contract with Guiding Light, coinciding with your first year as starting quarterback for the Steelers.
- Barry: Cowboys.
- Helen: Whatever. Then we can elope to Europe, or the Caymans, wherever, where I'll let you impregnate me with the first of 3 children before you head off to rehab. Then we can live happily, blah blah blah.
- Barry: We're going home now and never, ever, under any circumstances known to God speak about this again is that clear? It is now merely a future therapy bill agreed?
- Barry: [screaming] Helen?
- Helen: I'll never mention it again.
- Barry: We make a pact, right here and now we take this to our grave.
- Ray: Agreed.
- Barry: Julie?
- [Julie nods her head in agreement]
- Barry: [livid] Don't you nod your head, you fuckin' say it.
- Julie: [somber] Yeah okay.
- Barry: [Barry runs and grabs Julie by the neck pushing her against the car] We take this to our grave, let me hear it.
- Ray: Let her go, Barry.
- Barry: You fucking say it!
- Julie: Okay, Barry, we take this to the grave.
- Barry: Even if his body washes ashore in the next couple of weeks, he'll be eaten by crabs and small fish. Maybe we'll get lucky with a shark. Take him to the side.
- Julie: Yeah but this is insane now Barry look at us, this secret's killing us.
- Barry: I'm not going to the police and you're not either.
- Julie: Barry please, we could put an end to it and maybe salvage some small fraction of a life.
- Barry: And how do we do that? Huh? There was no accident Julie it was murder, your words remember? Murder. I say we find the fuck who's doing this and have a little one on one.
- Elsa Shivers: Hey you riding with me?
- Helen: No tell mom I'll be home late.
- Elsa Shivers: Ah is little miss Croaker getting sauteed tonight?
- Helen: Oh a twit with a wit.
- Elsa Shivers: Eat me.
- Helen: [Pulling up in front of Helen's house] What now?
- Julie: Now, we try and locate this Billy Blue?
- Helen: [Sitting there in silence for a few seconds] Maybe he wanted to die.
- Julie: What?
- Helen: David Egan. His girlfriend was killed on that same road, July 4th one year earlier. Maybe he blamed himself, maybe he was sitting in the road waiting for us to hit him.
- Julie: Yeah, if that'll help you sleep at night.
- Helen: What's happened between us? We used to be best friends.
- Julie: We used to be a lot of things.
- Helen: I miss you.
- [Julie doesn't respond]
- Helen: Yeah, well...
- [She gets out of the car, feelings a little hurt, as Julie drives on home]
- Helen: [Helen enters her house] Hi, Dad.
- [He doesn't respond as he is too engrossed in a Baseball game; she goes into the kitchen, pours herself a glass of Diet Coke, takes her drink, and then heads on upstairs to get ready for bed; she changes into her night shirt and looks at the Crocker Queen crown she was awarded one year earlier, until she is startled by her older sister, Elsa]
- Elsa Shivers: I'm sorry, is the washed-up, dried-out, has-been having a moment?
- Helen: [Goes over to her vanity mirror and begins brushing her hair] What do you want?
- Elsa Shivers: We're doing inventory at the store tomorrow and I want you there by 10.
- Helen: I can't. I'm in the parade tomorrow.
- Elsa Shivers: Well, Dad put me in charge of the store and "I" want you there by ten.
- Helen: The outgoing queen has to ride in the parade prior to the pageant. It's tradition, there's nothing I can do about it.
- [Continues brushing her hair]
- Elsa Shivers: You and hair. You so pathetic.
- Helen: You can leave now.
- Elsa Shivers: [Leaving Helen's room while closing the door behind her] So very pathetic.
- [Helen climbs in bed and goes right off to sleep]
- Julie: [on the phone with Ray] I miss you, too. But I'm gonna see you in a couple of weeks. God, I cannot wait. I love New York. No! Of course I love you more! Yes, I do. I love you, and you know that. But you know what? I've gotta take a shower. I'm running really late.
- Deb: Hey, Julie, you got some mail!
- Julie: Oh, thanks, Deb!
- [returning her attention to her call]
- Julie: A towel. Ray! Don't you start with me! Look, you, mister, can ravage me in two weeks.
- Elsa Shivers: Well, well. Look what the cat drug in.
- Julie: Elsa. Hi. You know what? I need to talk to Helen, and I was wondering if you could give me her New York number.
- Elsa Shivers: Her New York number.
- Julie: Yeah, I need to talk to her.
- Elsa Shivers: Fact check, Julie. Helen doesn't have a New York number. If you need to speak with her, I suggest you go to women's fragrances, ten feet to your left.
- [at a counter, Helen clumsily knocks fragrance bottles over]
- Elsa Shivers: Frightening, isn't it?
- Max: Motherfucker. Don't you test me, motherfucker, I'll call the cops on your college quarterback ass.