552 of 783 found this to have none
Some sexually-themed banter between soldiers. Private Ryan describes him and his brother catching their older brother in a barn about to take a girl's bra off before she notices them and runs off. Another soldier describes being sexually aroused seeing a woman with large breasts.
671 of 699 found this severe
Heavily graphic and frequent violence throughout, with it making you appreciate the small quiet moments. Easily one of the most violent films out there.
Many people are blown up. Sometimes there is gore but other times theres none.
A Flak gun is used against an American infantry unit, killing them.
Just after the camera cuts to a different angle, a tank crew man is shot in the face at point-blank range. Some blood that sprays out from the headshot can be seen.
A bomb blows up prematurely in a soldiers hands, killing him instantly. Intense and bloody. Chunks of blood spray and spurt.
A nazi is shot through a wall by a machine gun. Blood sprays onto a wall and is seen for the rest of the movie. We hear a thud and see a puddle of blood form on the ground.
A soldier is shot in the throat. Blood squirts and dribbles from his mouth. Blood puddles beneath his body. This scene is brutal.
A medic tends to a soldier that has a very graphic wound on his shoulder. Blood is shown and he is yelling and wincing.
Several nazis are intensely gunned down by a squad of soldiers inside of a kitchen. Blood and smoke are everywhere. One nazi has blood drooling out of his mouth.
Several scenes with charred up dead bodies shown throughout the movie.
355 of 595 found this moderate
Some uses of "goddamn", son of a bitch", "prick", and "asshole" including one use addressed to the main character.
Several religious exclamations including GD and JC.
15-20 uses of "Goddamn."
19 uses of "fuck", 15 uses of "shit", and 1 use of "cocksucker" 9 unfinished f words.
385 of 499 found this mild
Morphine is used to sedate a wounded soldier.
Characters often smoke cigarettes one character chews chewing tobacco
Scenes show the use of tobacco products, but no illegal substances.
510 of 572 found this severe
The entire film has extremely intense, graphic, bloody and chaotic battle sequences that are very brutal and violent.
A man is seen picking up his own arm and walking off, one of the darkest scenes of the movie.
Intense and realistically gory war violence throughout (especially in the first 20 minutes), but like a lot of other live-action war movies from the mid-90's and on (when they perfected gory special effects), it's meant to portray what war is actually like in real life, and to discourage war. It can also be portrayed as educational to the military if a war does start, though.
This is undoubtedly one of the most horrifyingly graphic, intense depictions of the horrors of war to ever be put to film. It really puts you at ground-zero of the action in a truly visceral, heart-pounding way, so much so that it will make a deep impression on you that will remain long after the movie is over.
Severe/Very Severe for neurodivergent viewers.
In the Omaha Beach scene, a man is seen lying on the floor with his intestines and other body parts exposed, screaming for his Mother and crying in agony. This scene is very dark and disturbing.
The battle sequences throughout the film are very intense. The opening and closing sequences feature realistic war-fighting, loud gunfire, booming explosions, hand-to-hand combat, intense depictions of death and sequences of soldiers succumbing to their wounds. The intense battle sequences make the viewer immersed by means of handheld cameras, and getting close to the action, to a point where there is frequently blood or rain water on the lens of camera.
The first war scene is truly very violent. It is about 20 minutes long. You can't get any more realistic than that scene. Lots of people die.