The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) Poster

Elijah Wood: Frodo



  • Sam : [Both are overcome by exhaustion]  Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? It'll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields... and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?

    Frodo : No, Sam. I can't recall the taste of food... nor the sound of water... nor the touch of grass. I'm... naked in the dark, with nothing, no veil... between me... and the wheel of fire! I can see him... with my waking eyes!

    Sam : Then let us be rid of it... once and for all! Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can't carry it for you... but I can carry you!

  • Galadriel : The power of the Three Rings is ended. The time has come... for the dominion of Men.

    Elrond : [in Elvish]  The Sea calls us home.

    Bilbo : [smiling]  I think I'm... quite ready for another adventure!

    [Bilbo climbs on board with Elrond. Galadriel follows with Celeborn] 

    Gandalf : Farewell, my brave Hobbits. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea... comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.

    [Heads to the ship, then turns around, waiting] 

    Gandalf : It is time, Frodo.

    Sam : What does he mean?

    Frodo : We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved... But not for me.

    Sam : [weeping]  You don't mean that. You can't leave.

    Frodo : [hands Sam the Red Book]  The last pages are for you, Sam.

  • Frodo : [voiceover]  And thus it was. A fourth age of middle-earth began. And the fellowship of the ring... though eternally bound by friendship and love... was ended. Thirteen months to the day since Gandalf sent us on our long journey... we found ourselves looking upon a familiar sight. We were home. How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on... when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend... some hurts that go too deep... that have taken hold. Bilbo once told me his part in this tale would end... that each of us must come and go in the telling. Bilbo's story was now over. There would be no more journeys for him... save one. My dear Sam. You cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in the story will go on.

  • Smeagol : Clever Hobbits, to climb so high!

    [jumps on them, pins Frodo to the ground and grips him by the throat] 

    Smeagol : Mustn't go that way! Mustn't hurt the Precious!

    Frodo : You swore! You swore on the Precious!

    Smeagol : [mocking]  Oo-hoo-hoo-hoo...


    Smeagol : Smeagol lied.

  • Frodo : [after destroying the Ring]  I can see the Shire. The Brandywine River. Bag End. The Lights in the Party Tree.

    Sam : Rosie Cotton dancing. She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I were to marry someone, it would have been her. It would have been her.

    [sits down and begins to cry] 

    Frodo : [leans over and hugs him]  I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things.

  • Sam : [reading the book's title]  There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale by Bilbo Baggins, and The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins. You finished it.

    Frodo : Not quite. There's room for a little more.

  • Sam : FRODO!

    Frodo : I'm here, Sam.

    Sam : Destroy it!

    [Frodo holds the ring on its chain over the edge of the pit] 

    Sam : Go on! Now! Throw it in the fire!

    [Frodo stares at the ring, the ring whispers to him] 

    Sam : What are you waiting for? Just let it go!

    [Frodo turns and looks at Sam] 

    Frodo : The ring is mine.

    [He snaps the chain and approaches the ring to his finger] 

    Sam : No... no...

    [Frodo slips the ring on and vanishes] 

    Sam : NO!

  • Sam : Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? It'll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields... and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?

    Frodo : No, Sam. I can't recall the taste of food... Nor the sound of water or touch of grass... I'm naked in the dark, with nothing. No veil between me and the ring of fire. I can see him with my waking eyes!

    Sam : Then let us be rid of it! Once and for all! Come on Mr. Frodo. I can't carry it for you! But I can carry you! Come on!

    [He picks Frodo up and starts carrying him up the slopes of Mount Doom] 

  • Galadriel : The power of the Three Rings is ended. The time has come... for the dominion of Men.

    Elrond : I Aear c?n ven na mar.

    [Elvish: The Sea calls us home] 

    Bilbo : I think I'm... quite ready for another adventure.

    [Climbs on board with Elrond. Galadriel gets on boat with Celeborn] 

    Gandalf : Farewell... my brave Hobbits. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea... comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say, Do not weep... not all tears are an evil.

    [Heads to the ship, then turns around, waiting] 

    Gandalf : It is time, Frodo.

    Sam : What does he mean?

    Frodo : We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved. But not for me.

    Sam : You don't mean that. You can't leave.

  • Frodo : We set out to save the Shire, Sam and it has been saved - but not for me.

  • Frodo : I need you on my side.

    Sam : I'm on your side, Mr Frodo.

    Frodo : I know you are, Sam.

  • Frodo : My dear Sam. You cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in the story will go on.

  • Sam : [Frodo stops walking]  Mr. Frodo? What is it?

    Frodo : Just a thought... I don't think I'm going to be returning.

    Sam : Of course you are. That's just morbid thinking, that is.

  • Frodo : The Ring is mine.

  • Frodo : [hands Sam the book]  The last pages are for you, Sam.

  • Bilbo : Tell me again, lad... where are we going?

    Frodo : To the harbor, Bilbo. The elves have accorded you a special honor; a place on the last ship to leave Middle Earth.

    Bilbo : Frodo... Any chance of seeing that old ring again? Hmm? The one I gave you?

    Frodo : I'm sorry, uncle... I'm afraid I lost it.

    Bilbo : Oh... Pity. Should have liked to have held it one last time.

  • Galadriel : [he remembers her words to him]  And for you, Frodo Baggins, I give you the light of Earendil our most beloved star. May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out.

    Frodo : Aiya Earendil Elenion Ancalima.

  • Frodo : What is this place?

    Gollum : Master must go inside the tunnel.

    Frodo : Now that I'm here, I don't think I want to.

  • Sam : I'm sorry to wake you, Mr. Frodo. We have to be moving on.

    [Slowly Frodo gets up, his voice sounding wearied] 

    Frodo : It's dark still...

    Sam : It's always dark here.

  • Gollum : Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, sleepies. We must go, yeeees, we must go at once.

    Sam : Haven't you had any sleep, Mr. Frodo?

    [Frodo shakes his head] 

    Sam : I've gone and had too much... it must be getting late.

    Frodo : No, it isn't. It isn't midday, yet. The days are growing darker.

    Gollum : Come on! We must go, no time!

    Sam : Not before Mr. Frodo's had something to eat.

    Gollum : [impatiently]  No time to lose, silly!

    Sam : [Gives Frodo lembas]  Here.

    Frodo : What about you?

    Sam : Oh, no, I'm not hungry. Leastways, not for lembas bread.

    Frodo : Sam...

    Sam : All right... we don't have that much left. We have to be careful, we don't want to run out. You go ahead and eat that, Mr. Frodo. I've rationed it... there should be enough.

    Frodo : Enough for what?

    Sam : The journey home.

  • [to Smeagol, outside Shelob's lair] 

    Frodo : I have to destroy it, Smeagol. I have to destroy it for both our sakes.

  • [Gollum and Frodo stand in front of a tunnel opening, and Frodo hesitates to go in] 

    Gollum : It's the only way. Go in, or go back.

    Frodo : I cannot go back.

  • Frodo : You can't help me anymore.

    Sam : You don't mean that.

    Frodo : Go home.

  • Sam : It's that Gollum, it's this place, it's that thing around your neck. I could help a bit, I could carry it, share the load...

    Frodo : GET AWAY!

    Sam : I don't want to keep it. I just want to help.

  • [Frodo drinks the last drops of water from Sam's waterskin] 

    Frodo : There'll be none left for the return journey.

    Sam : I don't think there will be a return journey, Mr. Frodo.

  • Gollum : Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, sleepies. We must go, yeeees, we must go at once.

    Sam : Haven't you had any sleep, Mr. Frodo?

    [Frodo shakes his head] 

    Sam : I've gone and had too much... it must be getting late.

    Frodo : No, it's not. It's not midday, yet. The days are growing darker.

    Gollum : We must go.

    Sam : Not until Mr. Frodo has had something to eat.

    Gollum : No time to lose, silly.

    Sam : [Gives Frodo lembas bread]  Here, eat this.

    Frodo : What about you?

    Sam : I'm not hungry. Leastways, not for lembas bread.

    Frodo : Sam...

    Sam : All right... we don't have that much left. You go ahead and eat that, Mr. Frodo. I've rationed it... there should be enough left.

    Frodo : For what?

    Sam : The journey home.

  • Sam : What are you up to? Sneaking off are we?

    Gollum : Sneaking? Sneaking? Fat Hobbit is always so polite. Smeagol shows them secret way that nobody else could find. And they say sneak! Sneak? Very nice, friend... Oh, yes. My precious. Very nice...

    Sam : All right. All right! You just startled me is all. What were you doing?

    Gollum : Sneaking.

    Sam : Fine. Have it your own way. I'm sorry to wake you, Mr. Frodo. We have to be moving on.

    Frodo : It's dark still.

    Sam : It's always dark here. It's gone! The Elven bread!

    Frodo : What? That's all we have left.

    Sam : He took it! He must have!

    Gollum : Smeagol? No, no, Not poor Smeagol. Smeagol hates nasty elf bread.

    Sam : You're a lying rat! What did you do with it?

    Frodo : He doesn't eat it. He can't have taken it.

    Gollum : Look. What's this? Crumbs on his jacketses. He took it! He took it! I seen him!

    Sam : That's a filthy lie!

    [hits Gollum to the ground and starts to wail on him] 

    Sam : You stinking two face!

    Frodo : Sam! Stop it! Sam, no!

    [Falls against the rock wall] 

    Sam : Oh, my! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to go so far I was just so, so angry. Here, let's just rest a bit.

    Frodo : I'm all right.

    Sam : No. No, You're not all right... You're exhausted. It's that Gollum. It's this place. It's that thing around your neck... I could help a bit. I could carry it for a while...


    Sam : Share the load.


    Frodo : Get away!

    [pushes Sam and stands up] 

    Sam : I don't wanna keep it. I just wanna help.

    Gollum : See? See? He wants it for himself!

    Sam : [stands up]  Shut up, you! Go away! Get out of here!

    Frodo : No, Sam, it's you... I'm sorry, Sam...

    Sam : But, he's a liar. He's poisoned you against me.

    Frodo : You can't help me anymore.

  • Smeagol : The precious will be ours... once the Hobbitses are dead!

    [throws a pebble in the water as he says it and Sam's reflection appears out of the ripples] 

    Sam : [yelling]  You treacherous little toad!

    [punches him waking Frodo who scrambles out of his blanket. Sam chases Gollum, jumps on him and grabs his throat. Gollum screams] 

    Gollum : No! No! Master!

    Frodo : No, Sam! Leave him alone!

    [pulls him off] 

    Sam : I heard it from his own mouth! He means to murder us!

    Gollum : Never! Sméagol wouldn't hurt a fly!

    [rubs his head and sees blood on his fingers, screams] 

    Gollum : He's a horrid, fat Hobbit, who hates Sméagol, and who makes up nasty lies!

    Sam : You miserable little maggot! I'll stove your head in!

    [He advances on Gollum grabbing at him. Gollum runs off, Frodo pulls Sam back] 

    Frodo : Sam!

    Sam : Call me a liar? You're a liar!

    [Gollum tries to hide behind a tree, screams] 

    Frodo : If you scare him off, then we are lost!

    Sam : I don't care! I can't do it, Mr. Frodo! I won't wait around for him to kill us!

    Frodo : I'm not sending him away.

    [Gollum cowers behind the tree] 

    Sam : You don't see it do you? He's a villain.

    Frodo : We can't do this by ourselves, Sam. Not without a guide. I need you on my side.

    Sam : I'm on your side, Mr. Frodo.

    Frodo : I know, Sam, I know. Trust me... Come, Smeagol.

    [Gollum runs to Frodo looking scared. Frodo takes him by the hand but as he leads him away, Gollum turns and smirks at Sam. Sam glares after him, nodding his head slightly] 

  • Frodo Baggins : [winches as he rubs his stab wound]  It's been four years to the day since Weathertop, Sam. It's never really healed.

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : [looks at Bilbo's book]  "There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale by Bilbo Baggins... and The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins." You finished it.

    Frodo Baggins : [closes the book]  Not quite.

    [turns to Sam and smiles] 

    Frodo Baggins : There's room for a little more.

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