396 of 453 found this to have none
A skinny human-like male creature wears nothing but a small loin cloth throughout the film.
A young man is bare chested for a scene (non-sensual).
A man and a woman kiss passinately.
An intoxicated dwarf makes a comment about "swimming with little hairy women".
226 of 365 found this moderate
Two characters fight for a ring, they bite and push each other until one chokes the other to death in a scene with a slightly intense atmosphere
Most violent Lord of rings movie.
In the extended edition, one character stabs another in the back and pushes him off a tower just before being shot through the chest with an arrow. The man who was stabbed then falls off the tower and is impaled on a spike in the water.
In one battle the orcs throw decapitated human heads using a catapult.
The film is dominated by large scale battles
We see the aftermath of a battle. The battlefield is covered in dead bodies, some with spears or arrows sticking in them. We briefly see one dead man with his arm severed--we can see his arm lying next to him and his bloody stub--blood soaks the ground. The camera moves away and it is for at most a second.
The enemy catapults human heads into Minas Tirith. We see somewhat closeups of the bloody heads and their severed necks.
A Lord catches on fire, is engulfed in flames, and jumps off of the castle to his death.
311 of 342 found this to have none
247 of 313 found this mild
A party is shown where various characters drink beer or ale, and get very drunk. A character gets so drunk he passes out.
A lot of characters smoke pipes, and one character coughs once or twice as a result.
205 of 340 found this moderate
The film is intended for people 13 over due to strong violence.
Gollum's transformation in the opening scene of the film is deeply disturbing.
The long, violent battlefield sequences are quite scary as the heroes are always under threat of death or serious injury.
A trio of characters journey through "The Paths of the Dead" and encounter ghosts.
Frodo gets attacked by a giant spider while Sam battles against it and it's very intense (these sequences can especially frighten those who suffer from arachnophobia). The spider also moves very quickly which makes the scene all the more intense
The Witch-King scenes may be frightening for some.
Two of the characters descend into violent madness. The first of these is marked by a transformation into a creepy creature. That scene is particularly intense.
Gollum's appearance and voice can be frightening.
This is a rather violent movie but not much blood/gore is shown. It has a fantasy overtone to it.
The ending of the film is emotionally intense. It is one of the most emotional scenes in motion picture history to some.