The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Poster

Sean Astin: Sam



  • Frodo : I can't do this, Sam.

    Sam : I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

    Frodo : What are we holding onto, Sam?

    Sam : That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.

  • Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : [cooks rabbit stew]  What we need is a few good taters.

    Gollum : What's taters, precious? What's taters, eh?

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : *Po-tay-toes*! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a *stew*! Lovely big, golden... chips with a nice piece of fried fish.

    [Gollum spits in disgust] 

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : Even *you* couldn't say no to that.

    Gollum : Oh, yes, we could! Spoil a nice fish.

    [gets right up in Sam's face] 

    Gollum : Give it to us raw and wr-r-r-r-riggling, you keep nasty chips!

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : [shakes his head]  You're hopeless.

  • [following Gollum down the path] 

    Sam : I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales.

    Frodo : [turns around]  What?

    Sam : I wonder if people will ever say, 'Let's hear about Frodo and the Ring.' And they'll say 'Yes, that's one of my favorite stories. Frodo was really courageous, wasn't he, Dad?' 'Yes, my boy, the most famousest of hobbits. And that's saying a lot.'

    Frodo : [continue walking]  You've left out one of the chief characters - Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam.

    [stops and turns to Sam] 

    Frodo : Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam.

    Sam : Now Mr. Frodo, you shouldn't make fun; I was being serious.

    Frodo : So was I.

    [they continue to walk] 

    Sam : Samwise the Brave...

  • [Frodo and Sam are lowering themselvs down a cliff] 

    Sam : Can you see the bottom?

    Frodo : No. Don't look down, Sam, just keep going!

    Sam : [drops a small box]  Ouagh! Catch It! Grab it, Mr. Frodo!

    [Frodo catches it, loses his grip and then lands on the ground] 

    Frodo : I think I found the bottom.

    Sam : It's not natural. None of it.

    Frodo : What's in this?

    Sam : Nothin'. Just a bit of seasoning. I thought maybe if we was havin' a roast chicken one night or something...

    Frodo : Roast chicken?

    Sam : You never know.

  • Faramir : [to Frodo and Sam]  My men tell me that you are Orc spies.

    Sam : Spies! Now wait just a minute!

    Faramir : Well, if you're not spies, then who are you?

    [they remain silent, Faramir sighs and sits] 

    Faramir : Speak!

    Frodo : We are Hobbits of the Shire. Frodo Baggins is my name and this is Samwise Gamgee.

    Faramir : Your bodyguard?

    Sam : His gardener.

    Faramir : And where is your skulking friend? That gangrel creature. He had an ill-favoured look.

    Frodo : [reluctant]  There was no other. We set out from Rivendell with seven companions. One we lost in Moria. Two were my kin. A dwarf there was also. And an elf. And two men. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and Boromir of Gondor.

    Faramir : [solemn]  You are a friend of Boromir?

    Frodo : Yes, for my part.

    Faramir : It would grieve you then to learn that he is dead.

    Frodo : [shocked]  Dead? How? When?

    Faramir : As one of his companions, I had hope you would tell me. He was my brother.

  • [last lines] 

    Frodo : Smeagol?

    Sam : We're not going to wait for you. Come on.

    Smeagol : Master. Master looks after us. Master wouldn't hurt us.

    Gollum : Master broke his promise.

    Smeagol : Don't ask Smeagol. Poor, poor Smeagol.

    Gollum : Master betrayed us. Wicked. Tricksy, False. We ought to wring his filthy little neck. Kill him! Kill him! Kill them both! And then we take the precious... and we be the master!

    Smeagol : But the fat Hobbit, he knows. Eyes always watching.

    Gollum : Then we stabs them out. Put out his eyeses, make him crawl.

    Smeagol : Yes. Yes. Yes.

    Gollum : Kill them both.

    Smeagol : Yes. No! No! It's too risky. It's too risky.

    Sam : Where is he? Where has he gone? Hey, Gollum! Where are you?

    Frodo : Smeagol?

    Gollum : We could let *her* do it.

    Smeagol : Yes. She could do it.

    Gollum : Yes, precious, she could. And then we takes it once they're dead.

    Smeagol : Once they're dead. Shh.

    [Comes out of hiding] 

    Smeagol : Come on Hobbits. Long ways to go yet. Smeagol will show the way.

    Gollum : Follow me.

  • Sam : Hey, Stinker! Don't go getting too far ahead.

    Frodo : Why do you do that?

    Sam : What?

    Frodo : Call him names, run him down all the time.

    Sam : Because... because that's what he is, Mr. Frodo. There's naught left in him but lies and deceit. It's the ring he wants; it's all he cares about.

    Frodo : You have no idea what it did to him... what it's still doing to him. I want to help him, Sam.

    Sam : Why?

    Frodo : Because I have to believe he can come back.

    Sam : You can't save him, Mr. Frodo.

    Frodo : [snaps]  What do you know about it? Nothing!... I'm sorry, Sam. I don't know why I said that.

    Sam : I do. It's the ring. You can't take your eyes off it; I've seen you. You're not eating. You barely sleep. It's taken ahold of you, Mr. Frodo. You have to fight it.

    Frodo : I know what I have to do, Sam. The ring was entrusted to *me*. It's my task, mine, my own!

    [storms off] 

    Sam : Can't you hear yourself? Don't you know who you sound like?

  • Sam : [sees corpses in the marsh]  There are dead things! Dead faces in the water.

    Gollum : All dead... all rotten. Elves and men and orcses. A great battle, long ago. The Dead Marshes... yes, that is their name.

  • Sam : You know I don't usually hold with foreign food, but this Elvish stuff - it's not bad.

    Frodo : Nothing dampens your spirits, Sam.

    Sam : [looks at the nearing rain clouds]  Those rain clouds might.

  • Sam : [to Faramir]  You want to know what happened to Boromir? Do you want to know why your brother died? He tried to take the Ring from Frodo, after swearing an oath to protect him! He tried to kill him! The Ring drove your brother mad.

  • Sam : Captain Faramir, you have shown your quality, sir - the very highest.

    Faramir : The Shire must truly be a great realm, Master Gamgee, where gardeners are held in high honor.

  • [from extended version] 

    [looking at the Elvish rope] 

    Frodo : We can't leave this here for someone to follow us down.

    Sam : Who's going to follow us down here, Mr. Frodo? It's a shame, really. Lady Galadriel gave me that. Real Elvish rope. Well, there's nothing for it - it's one of my knots. It won't come free in a hurry.

    [Sam tugs wistfully on the rope, and by the magical grace of Galadriel, it falls into his hands] 

    Frodo : [cheerfully]  Real Elvish rope.

  • Sam : [looking at the Haradrim army]  Who are they?

    Gollum : Wicked men. Servants of Sauron. They are called to Mordor. The Dark One is gathering all armies to him. It won't be long now. He will soon be ready.

    Sam : Ready to do what?

    Gollum : To make his war. The last war that will cover all the world in shadow.

  • Sam : Mr. Frodo, put the ring on; just this once, disappear.

    Frodo : I can't... You were right, Sam. The ring is taking me. If I put it on he will find me.

  • Sam : This looks strangely familiar.

    Frodo : Because we've been here before. We're going in circles!

  • Frodo : [waking up from a nightmare]  Gandalf!

    Sam : What is it, Mr. Frodo?

    Frodo : Nothing... just a dream.

  • Sam : Mordor... the one place in Middle-Earth we don't want to see any closer... the one place we're trying to get to... is just where we can't get. Let's face it, Mr. Frodo. We're lost!

  • Sam : We're innocent travelers.

    Faramir : There are no travelers in this land... only servants of the Dark Lord.

    Frodo : We are bound to an errand of secrecy. Those who claim to oppose the enemy would do well not to hinder us.

  • Sam : [grumbling about the lack of life in the Dead Marshes]  I hate this place; it's too quiet. There hasn't been the sight or sound of a bird in two days!

    Gollum : No... No birdses to eat.


    Gollum : No crunchable birdses!

  • [about the Ring Wraiths] 

    Sam : I thought they were dead!

    Gollum : Dead? No, you cannot kill them. No.

  • [Frodo and Sam have captured Gollum. Sam is violently dragging Gollum with a long piece of rope around his neck] 

    Gollum : [wailing piteously]  Aghh! It burns! It burns us... It freezes...

    [Sam jerks the rope, causing Gollum to topple. Sam drags Gollum, who grabs a rock and grabs the rope, pulling it back] 

    Gollum : [to Sam]  Nasty elves twisted it! Take it off us!

    Sam : Quiet, you!

    [Gollum lets out a high-pitched wail as he throws a temper tanturm, complete with convulsion] 

    Sam : [to Frodo; exasperated]  It's hopeless! Every orc in Mordor is going to hear this racket! Let's just just tie him up and leave him.

    Gollum : [horrified]  NO! That would kill us! KILL US!

    Sam : That's more than you deserve!

    Gollum : Agggghhhhhhahhhh...

    [Gollum flops on his back as he continues to throw a mini-tantram] 

    Frodo : Maybe he does deserve to die. But now I see him, I do pity him.

    [Gollum stops convulsing and looks up at Frodo] 

    Gollum : We'll be nice to them, if they be nice to us. Take this off of us... We swear to do whatever you wants... we swear.

    Frodo : There is no promise you can make that I can trust.

  • [Gollum has Sam in a headlock. Frodo jumps to Sam's rescue and points his sword at Gollum, who looks at it in terror] 

    Frodo : [about his sword]  This is Sting. You've seen it before, haven't you... Gollum?

    Sam : [choking]  ugh!

    Frodo : [sternly]  Release him, or I'll cut your throat!

    [Gollum does so. Frodo continues to pin him down Gollum's pupils widen as he squeaks faintly] 

    Gollum : [crying in defeat]  EEEEYAHHHHHHH!

  • Gollum : [wailing dramatically]  We shall *STARRRRRVVVVVEEE!*

    Sam : [sardonically]  Then why you starve... and good riddance!

  • [Sam and Frodo have captured Gollum and are dragging him with a long piece of string thick rope around his neck. Gollum is screaming his head off in pain] 

    Gollum : [wailing]  It BURNS! It Burns us!


    Gollum : It freezes...

    [Sam jerks the rope, causing Gollum to topple on his back and be dragged by Sam] 

    Gollum : [grabbing hold of a nearby rock with one hand and pulls the rope back with his other hand]  Nasty elves twisted it! TAKE IT OFF US!

    Sam : Quiet you!

    [Gollum throws his head back as he throws a convulsive temper tantrum and lets out a prolonged wail] 

    Sam : [exasperated; to Frodo]  It's hopeless! Every orc in Mordor is going to hear this racket! Let's just tie him up and leave him.

    Gollum : [horrified shout]  NO!

    Gollum : [despairingly]  That would kill us! KILL US!

    Sam : That's more than you deserve!

    Gollum : [flopping on his back and withers on the ground as he groans]  Oooooohhhhaaahhhh...

    Frodo : [as he watches Gollum]  Maybe he does deserve to die... But now that I see him, I do pity him.

    [Gollum stops withering and sits up] 

    Gollum : We'll be nice to them, if they be nice to us.

    [holds out the rope; dramatically yet politely] 

    Gollum : Take this off us.

  • Sam : It's the Ring, isn't it?

    Frodo : It's getting heavier.

  • Sam : [to Gollum, who is trying to persuade Frodo to release him in exchange of Gollum becoming Frodo's servant]  I don't believe you!

    Gollum : [gasps fearfully and scrambles away; climbing on top of a boulder] 

    Sam : [jerking the rope vioently]  GET DOWN!

    Gollum : [Gollum lets out a high-pitched noise as Sam's jerking on the rope chokes him and throws him on to the ground] 

    Sam : [as Gollum collapses]  I said, DOWN!

    Frodo : [shouts; stopping Sam]  Sam!

    Sam : He's trying to trick us! We let him go, he'll throttle us in our sleep.

    Gollum : [Gollum sits up and gasps in air greedily, clutching his throat] 

    [Frodo looks at the gasping Gollum and then at Sam. After a moment's pause, Frodo approaches Gollum, who backs away in fear] 

    Frodo : [calmly and kindly]  You know the way to Mordor?

    Gollum : [timidly]  Yes...

    [He backs away as Frodo crotches down to Gollum's eye level. Gollum looks at Frodo, uneasily] 

    Frodo : You've been there before?

    Gollum : [nods; still timid]  Yes.

    [Frodo slowly takes off the rope around Gollum's neck. Sam looks suspicious, while Gollum looks surprised and relieved] 

    Frodo : You will lead us to the Black Gate.

  • [Frodo and Sam have been captured by soldiers of Gondor; they stand in a cave behind a waterfall; Faramir approaches] 

    Faramir : My men tell me that you are orc spies.

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : [offended]  *Spies*? Now, wait just a minute!

    Faramir : Well, if you're not spies, then who *are* you?

    [they say nothing; he sits] 

    Faramir : Speak.

    Frodo Baggins : We are hobbits of the Shire. Frodo Baggins is my name, and this is Samwise Gamgee.

    Faramir : Your bodyguard?

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : His gardener.

    Faramir : And where is your skulking friend? That gangrel creature. He had an ill-favoured look.

    Frodo Baggins : There was no other. We set out from Rivendell with seven companions. One we lost in Moria. Two were my kin. A dwarf there was also, and an elf. And two men: Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and Boromir of Gondor.

    Faramir : [stares at Frodo in surprise]  You're a friend of Boromir?

    Frodo Baggins : Yes... for my part.

    Faramir : [stands up and paces; looks back at Frodo]  It will grieve you, then, to learn that he is dead.

    Frodo Baggins : [eyes widening]  Dead? How? When?

    Faramir : As one of his companions, I'd hoped you would tell me.


    Faramir : He was my brother.

  • [extended edition; Frodo examines a small wooden box] 

    Frodo Baggins : What's in this?

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : Nothin'.


    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : Just a bit of seasonin'. I thought maybe if we was having a roast chicken one night or somethin'.

    Frodo Baggins : Roast *chicken*?

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : You never know.

    Frodo Baggins : Sam.

    [shakes his head] 

    Frodo Baggins : My dear Sam.

    [opens the box] 

    Samwise "Sam" Gamgee : It's very special, that. It's the best salt in all the Shire.

    Frodo Baggins : [smiles at the salt]  It *is* special.

    [looks at Sam] 

    Frodo Baggins : It's a little bit of home.

See also

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