206 of 256 found this to have none
A man and a woman recline together on an outdoor sofa kissing passionately. The woman wears a dress that appears sheer, but no anatomy is seen.
In a vision/dream a woman kisses an unconscious man, reviving him.
A villain stares at a young woman in a predatory manner and it is said that he often watches her from the shadows. He attempts to speak tenderly to her and she rebuffs him.
A skinny human-like male creature wears nothing but a small loin cloth throughout the film.
144 of 197 found this moderate
Orcs raid and burn a village to the ground, burning buildings and killing without mercy. People flee and scream in terror.
Cavalry charge an orc encampment. Several orcs are shot with arrows and stabbed. One orc is speared, but chases two characters into the woods. We see his bloody gut wound, and he limps with agony.
Cavalry men charge cavalry orcs. Soldiers on both sides are stabbed, speared, decapitated and limbs are hacked off. We see bloodied swords and several bodies on the ground.
Thousands of cavalry riding men charge into orcs on foot. Several orcs are killed.
Characters find an orc head impaled on a spear.
Humans ambush another group of humans fighting for the bad guys. Several of the bad guy humans are shot with arrows and we see several dead bodies.
The orcs are shown to be cannibalistic and eat their own kind, with gross and occasionally bloody results.
In the extended edition, we see the aftermath of a battle at a creek, with several, bloodied dead bodies of orcs and men on the ground, with blood in the creek.
167 of 183 found this to have none
141 of 189 found this mild
Several characters smoke pipes and drink wine and ale, though they never get drunk.
126 of 177 found this moderate
Evil, unsympathetic orc creatures begin eating another orc, which they just decapitated, all that is seen of the act itself is an intestine flying up in the air, it is easy to miss, however this is all still pretty disturbing
The main battle sequence also features scenes of women and children hiding within the fortress and crying.
The film is intended for people 13 over due to violence.
Armies of orcs are grotesque, with rough voices and yellow eyes and sharp teeth. A few of them have blood dripping out of their mouths. They are very frightening. The orcs are shown in several scenes.
In a scene in which the main character falls into a marsh that carries the souls of dead people, we see very scary, grotesque ghosts trying to pull him in before he is instead pulled out. This scene is disturbing and very scary.
The servants of Sauron are clad all in black with their faces invisible. They emit loud screams and talk with a very evil, low voice. They ride grotesque flying creatures that kill people and good guys without mercy, mostly by picking them up and letting them fall.
Gollum is a frightening, frightening creature, who is present through most of the film, though he talks and interacts with main characters.