When Beatrix is on the patio, after being "shot" by her daughter, she is sitting on the ground hugging her, the sword on her back disappears and reappears numerous times between shots.
When Bill has been hit with the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique he wipes blood from his mouth. There are still smears of blood on his chin and neck when he asks "How do I look?", but the blood is gone in the next shots.
During the fight between the Bride and Elle Driver, Elle's boots change from Stiletto heels to normal heels. In the beginning of the fight Elle drives her stiletto heel into the Bride's foot. Later on, while they are fighting in the bathroom, you can clearly see Elle's boot with a different, western boot style heel.
The bride's hair is longer in the "next morning" scene in the hotel room than it was the night before at Bill's.
Budd shot Bea with a load of rock salt in the chest, and blew a hole in her clothes and chest and bloodied her clothes and chest. By the time Bea made it back to the trailer, the blood and mess were gone and no wound existed in her chest.
As Beatrix is reading the instructions of the pregnancy test, the second hand of her Rolex is ticking. The second hand of a Rolex doesn't tick, it sweeps.
Beatrix kills Bill with the so-called "death blow", in which she hits him with her fingertips at five pressure points on his body. In reality, doing such a thing to a person would do nothing. It wouldn't cause the person's heart to explode or die in any other way. Pressure points are loosely defined and most likely do not exist at all due to the absence of scientific scrutiny.
As Beatrix is coming into Bill's house, a shot is shown from under the Katana. The blade is upside down, sharp edge goes up.
The song "A Fistfull of Dollars" is credited "From 'Per un Pugano di Dollari'", being "Per un Pugno di Dollari" the correct reference.
Budd is supposedly bitten by a "black mamba", but this species usually is longer than 2 meters, much bigger than the little snake hidden between the wads of money. The black mamba also moves with its head raised, but here it is crawling on the floor with its head down.
Additionally, after bite by a black mamba, people develop symptoms after 10 to 30 minutes, and death may occurs within hours. Budd's death within seconds highly implausible.
When the Bride is being buried alive, several times a faint reflection can be seen from the head of her flashlight, despite being six feet underground.
When Pai Mei punches through the timber log it can clearly be seen to be a large block of white Styrofoam with thin timber veneer on the surface.
When The Bride is trying to drown Elle in the toilet, you can clearly see the plexiglass in front of the camera (scratches are visible on the sides).
When Bea takes off her necklace to leave for her daughter and looks at it, it is a thin gold chain. When she drapes it over the picture, it a different chain that is thicker and red with large beads.
After the short guy gets out of the grave he just dug, he opens a can of beer. A few moments later when Bud asks him to grab her feet, he slips on a full can but when he tosses it on the ground the can sounds empty.
When Bill gives his speech on superheroes, he claims to be well versed in the mythology and claims that Superman acts very weak because that's how he sees humans. In almost every iteration of Superman, it's made clear the he doesn't act weak because that's how he sees humans, but rather because he doesn't see them that way. By being the weakest, the clumsiest, the least coordinated, it makes people not think he could be Superman. If he's below the average person, he can't be above them.
When Beatrix sticks Elle's head in the toilet, the blood on her cheek does not wash off in the water.
Bud's pickup tailgate is held closed (vertically) by pins retained on chains. When the pins are removed, they must be re-inserted differently to support the tailgate in the horizontal position. Bud doesn't do this before slamming the tailgate down, but the sound is distinctly that of a tailgate stopping on it supports. When the shot changes, the tailgate is unsupported, resting on the bumper. Slamming a tailgate down that way makes a very different sound because it bends the tailgate metal.
The extreme close-up of the bride's face as she looks down upon Budd's trailer shows the reflection of the cameraman in her eyes.
Outside the "little chapel in El Paso" at the Bride's wedding, there can clearly be seen a Joshua Tree. There are no Joshua Trees in Texas.
When Budd is confronted by his boss Larry, the boom mic is reflected in Larry's sunglasses.
As the Bride enters Bill's apartment, his Hanzo sword is on a stand on the sideboard. The sword is sitting "edge down", while the correct way of resting a katana to show it respect, is "edge up". A man who is trained in the martial arts and the exquisite art of the samurai sword would know this.
Bud's trailer appears to be in a flash flood ravine. Nobody in the desert would build anything or even stays very long in such a place.
When Bill is making his 'superheroes' speech to the Bride, he states that DC Comics' Superman is unique among superheroes in that he actually IS the hero, and his day-to-day persona (Clark Kent in this case) is his ASSUMED identity. However, this is also true of Marvel Comics's Thor, who actually IS the demigod/superhero, and ASSUMES several human identities.
At the wedding rehearsal, the minister's gestures for the seating arrangements are incorrect.
Budd tells Elle he could, "Perform a 'coup de gras' with a rock" on the bride. 'Coup de gras' is a common mispronunciation of 'coup de grâce' Gras is pronounced without the 's' sound. Grâce is pronounced like 'grass'. Coup de gras translates as 'blow of fat' while coup de grâce translates as 'blow of mercy' often paraphrased as 'killing blow'.