133 of 291 found this mild
Budd works in a "tittie bar" - woman wear skimpy clothes.
A character comments on a woman's breasts in a lewd way.
In a scene a character dies over a pile of porn magazines. They are in the corner in the screen but explicit covers are visible.
There is a scene in a brothel.
145 of 207 found this severe
During the credits it shows flashbacks of the very graphic fight scene from the first movie.
Significantly less gory than the first Kill Bill.
A character shoots another character in the thigh with a gun, but instead of a bullet it's a large syringe that injects truth serum. The shot character is in pain and takes the needle out.
A man shoots a woman with rock salts. Some mild blood is seen on her shirt. He then injects her with a tranquilizer and she blacks out.
A woman is put through very tough martial arts training and her arm gets twisted at one point.
R violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.
Only two fight scenes in the movie one being bloodless and no one is killed. Only one death is shown onscreen with very mild blood shown.
112 of 174 found this severe
There is frequent language throughout the movie but it's not as constant other Tarantino movies like Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction.
"Ass" and "asshole" are used several times.
"Goddamn" is said at least twice (once in chinese).
One use of "lousy," in Chinese in the subtitles.
26 uses of "fuck"
"Shit" is said about 10 times.
"Cunt" is said once, in a joking way
98 of 144 found this moderate
A man drinks heavily while talking to a woman.
Three characters are smokers.
We see two characters clearly snorting cocaine casually, one of them a stripper and the other telling her to do it.
A drunk man continues to drink. Other characters drink as well, sometimes to excess.
A woman tells a man to smoke some pot.
80 of 145 found this moderate
This film is less violent than the first but there is one scene of graphic violence.
The Bride's final confrontation with Bill (although they only fight for about thirty seconds) and the lead up to it's very intense, emotionally.