(at around 4 mins) During the bank heist scene, The Joker's hair changes from a natural brown color, to green right when he walks past the bus after it just crashed through the bank's wall.
(at around 28 mins) When Lucius Fox is showing Bruce Wayne the new Batman armor, Wayne picks up a wrist-guard with plates that are designed to separate at the press of a button. Wayne launches the plates by mistake, but when he places the wrist-guard back into place, the plates are still there.
(at around 1h 27 mins) As Batman interrogates the Joker, you can see that the amount of make-up on the Joker's forehead changes between the shots from almost fully covered to nearly disappeared (because of the slam on the table).
(at around 1h 55 mins) Two ferries are shown leaving Gotham just as the sun is going down. Later, it is established to be just shy of midnight, which would mean the ferries have been traveling for at least a few hours. Yet, the ferries are still shown as though they have just departed the harbor.
During the beginning the movie, the police department is labeled as GCPD. During the chase scene after Harvey turns himself in as Batman, all of the armored vehicles have only GPD on the side of them.
When Batman has the sonar vision on, he can see shadows of objects like the SWAT members and the Joker's dogs. Sonar would not pick up these shadows. While it is possible that the software which interprets the sonar data might create a virtual display with shadows for visibility's sake, that doesn't explain how the sonar manages to see the letters spelling SWAT on the officers' uniforms.
When Bruce and Lucius are reconstructing the shattered bullet, the 3D image shows an entire thumbprint on the bullet. When the bullet was been pushed into the clip, the shell would still be in the casing, blocking the thumb partially from making a print on the shell. When the bullet had been reconstructed, it would have only been a partial print.
When talking to Lucius about the cell phone surveillance device, Bruce says that "The database is null-key encrypted. Only one person can access it." In reality, null key encryption is an encryption scheme that doesn't change data at all, and is for when plaintext data is mandatory.
For the hydraulic gun bender to work, it must apply superhuman force to both ends of the barrel; however, the device acts on the tip of the barrel only, while the impostor Batman holds the other end of the gun.
The set designers created the hospital Emergency Room entrance with no means of rolling a gurney in. Also, the "Emergency" sign should be red, not blue.
It is said that all of the license plates seen on cars in the film are Illinois plates. In fact, they're not. They are actually plates for the fictional Gotham, although they resemble Illinois plates. The "Gotham" plates that were created by filmmakers were made to look like Illinois plates just in case some slipped through in background shots during filming in Chicago.
Batman's voice has been criticized for being artificial-sounding and unnaturally gravelly. In the promotions for Batman Begins (2005), the cowl is revealed to have a microphone/speaker that alters and amplifies Bruce Wayne's voice to disguise his identity and increase intimidation.
When Bruce, his date, Rachel, and Harvey meet in the restaurant, Bruce says he will "put two tables together." In the next shot, we see all four sitting around a single table. This wasn't meant to be taken literally, since he owned the restaurant his staff would have made sure that his guests were seated at a larger table.
In the opening bank heist scene, the Joker inserts a grenade to the mouth of the manager lying on the floor. A string from the pin of the grenade is attached to Joker's clothes, and once he leaves the bank by the bus, the pin is pulled immediately out of frame by the bus. What you see falling to the floor is actually the "spoon" of the grenade which ejects from the handle once the pin has been removed and it has been released.
During the interrogation scene when Gordon leaves the room and the lights come on, you can see the Joker close his eyes and brace himself to have his head slammed into the desk before Batman touches him. However, he was probably blinking from the bright lights coming on after he was in the dark for so long.
(at around 26 mins) Gary Oldman lets his English accent slip several times, most noticeably while he is yelling at Harvey Dent after the police fail to seize the mob's funds.
(at around 9 mins) When Batman grabs onto Scarecrow's van, just before he cuts into the metal, you can see a small indented outline of where he's going to cut.
(at around 22 mins) When Lau is talking to the other mobsters on television he can obviously see the events in the meeting room, even though no kind of camera is visible in the room.
(at around 23 mins) In the part where all the crime leaders are having the meeting with Lou live on TV, the TV screen gives off a green reflection on the table which means that they put a green sheet over the TV screen so that can put over another version (special effects) of the live video of Lou.
(at around 1 min) In the opening sequence when the robber fires the grappling gun you can clearly see that it doesn't grab onto anything. Instead it travels a few feet and falls down.
(at around 2h 10 mins) In their final confrontation, when Batman struggles to get off the net, and the Joker tries to stab him with something, you hear the Joker's voice saying "All the old familiar places", but his lips never move.
(at around 4 mins) When the school bus smashes through the wall during the bank heist, the goon that's supposed to get killed flies backward before the bus even gets near him, even thought there's a sound effect to suggest it hit him.
(at around 13 mins) When Alfred first meets Bruce Wayne in the "Batcave" they are talking. Bruce says, "That isn't exactly what I had in mind when I said I wanted to inspire people." The shot has already cut to another angle and Bruce's lips aren't moving, but he is still saying "inspire people."
(at around 29 mins) When Bruce is lounging on the cruise ship scene, he says, "You look tired, Alfred." In the next shot he puts down his cup and says, "You'll be alright without me?" but his lips don't move.
(at around 53 mins) When Batman and Rachel land on the car after falling from the penthouse, Batman's lips do not move when he asks Rachel if she is alright.
(at around 1h 29 mins) In the holding cell, when Batman smashes The Joker against the wall, a camera with a blue LED/LCD screen and two people from the crew reflect on the right mirror.
(at around 6 mins) During the bank heist scene when the Joker places the smoke grenade into the managers mouth there is a black pipe running down the side of the actors cheek in which the smoke is being pumped from.
In the final shot, several non-illuminated lights are at the end of the ramp. They are Bebee Night Lights, which were used to light most of the night chase scene.
In the beginning of the film, during the bank robbery, you can see the shadow of the steadicam operator as he passes the vault door.
(at around 1 min) In the beginning shot of the movie where the camera closes in to a windowed building, you could see the helicopter reflecting on the windows, carrying the camera, on the very left-hand side.
When Lucius Fox meets with Lau on the terrace of his Hong Kong office building, you can clearly see all of the McCormick Place buildings of Chicago in the background behind Fox.
At the beginning of the movie, during the heist, the robbers enter through the front doors (let's call this wall "north" and the wall that the bus crashes through is "west"). At the end of the robbery when the bus leaves and the camera shows the exterior of the bank, the bus makes a right turn (merges with the other buses which are running directly parallel with the front wall "north"). This is wrong since the bus only made a 90 degree turn, which would have made it directly perpendicular with the "north" wall instead of parallel as it is depicted in the film. In order for the bus to have merged with the other buses and proceed driving parallel with the "north" wall, it would have had to make a 180 degree turn instead of the 90 degree that was depicted in the film. You also know for a fact that the bus crashes through the "west" wall because throughout the heist, you can clearly see the windows that are shown later on the outside when the buses are leaving.
When Bruce travels to Hong Kong, Victoria Harbor is incorrectly captioned "Hong Kong Bay." In fairness, however, Gotham is filled with the streets and landmarks of Chicago. In the alternate reality of this film, the name of the bay in Hong Kong could be anything.
It would be impossible for the Joker to know exactly where the support helicopter would be flying (street, direction, time, altitude) so he could not know when and where to have his cables deployed.
While planning to get into Hong Kong, Wayne says that he will use Korean smugglers who will fly under the radar the entire way there, and HALO jump out of the plane to get to the ground. HALO stands for High Altitude/Low Opening and the jumps are around 30,000 feet, well within radar range.
(at around 1h 35 mins) After the explosion at the warehouse, a fire hose is seen playing a jet of water from side to side across the top of the burning rubble. While this looks very pretty, a professional firefighter would never do this. They would concentrate the water at the base of the fire then work their way slowly across the blaze.
If Two Face wanted to properly punish those he blamed for Rachel's death, he should have saved flipping his coin on himself for last. If it landed on the scarred side, he'd pull the trigger and not gotten the chance to use it on Gordon.
Bruce finds out during the daytime that the Joker will Rachel but waits until night-time to tell her.