The director George Stanford Brown worked together with Kate Jackson in The rookies
The impressions done in the closing scene are Charlie: Humphrey Bogart ("sweetheart"), Kelly: Katharine Hepburn ("thank you so much for the calla lilies"), Kris: Vivien Leigh ("after all, tomorrow is another day"), and Bosley: Sydney Greenstreet ("my dear Mr. Spade"). Sabrina demurs, having spent much of the episode pretending to be a fake Sabrina ("I've been doing myself for two days already").
The fictional "Gand" think tank that Asher and Biggs try to rob at the end of the episode is a reference to the real-life non-profit think tank known as the Rand Corporation.
Paul Cavonis (Harry Stark) previously appeared as a different character in season two's Little Angels of the Night (1978) and later in season four's Angels on Campus (1979) and season five's Angel on the Line (1981).
Noah Keen (Sgt. Dirkson) later appeared as different characters in season four's Cruising Angels (1979) and season five's Angel on a Roll (1981).