- Cooper: We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.
- Dr. Brand: Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Murph: [through video monitor] Hey Dad. You sonabitch. Never made one of these while you were still responding because I was so mad at you for leaving. And when you went quiet, it seemed like I should live with that decision, and I have. But today's my birthday. And it's a special one, because you told me... you once told me that by the time you came back we might be the same age. And today I'm the same age you were when you left.
- [crying]
- Murph: So it'd be a real good time for you to come back.
- TARS: [as Cooper repairs him] Settings. General settings. Security settings.
- TARS: Honesty, new setting: ninety-five percent.
- TARS: Confirmed. Additional settings.
- Cooper: Humor, seventy-five percent.
- TARS: Confirmed. Self destruct sequence in T minus 10, 9...
- Cooper: Let's make that sixty percent.
- TARS: Sixty percent, confirmed. Knock knock.
- Cooper: You want fifty-five?
- Cooper: You're ruling my son out for college now? The kid's fifteen.
- Principal: Tom's score simply isn't high enough.
- Cooper: What's your waistline? 32? With, what, a 33 inseam?
- Principal: I'm not sure I see what you're getting at.
- Cooper: You're telling me it takes two numbers to measure your own ass but only one to measure my son's future?
- Cooper: We've always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. Or perhaps we've just forgotten that we are still pioneers. And we've barely begun. And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, that our destiny lies above us.
- Cooper: [whispering] Tell me something. Doctor Brand, and Edmonds...
- TARS: Why are you whispering? They can't hear you.
- Cooper: Doctor Brand and Edmonds, they close?
- TARS: I wouldn't know.
- Cooper: Is that a ninety percent wouldn't know, or ten percent wouldn't know?
- TARS: I also have a discretion setting, Cooper.
- Cooper: Ah. But not a poker face, huh?
- Cooper: You're a scientist, Brand.
- Brand: So listen to me when I say that love isn't something that we invented. It's... observable, powerful. It has to mean something.
- Cooper: Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing...
- Brand: We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that?
- Cooper: None.
- Brand: Maybe it means something more - something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some artefact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it. All right Cooper. Yes. The tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong.
- Cooper: Honestly, Amelia... it might.
- Cooper: [to young Murph] Tell him Murph. Make him stay. Make... Make him stay Murph. Make him stay Murph! Don't let me leave, Murph! Don't, don't let me leave Murph! NO, NO, NO, NO!
- Murph: It was you. You were my ghost.
- TARS: Cooper... Cooper... Come in, Cooper.
- Cooper: TARS?
- TARS: Roger that.
- Cooper: You survived!
- TARS: Somewhere, in their fifth dimension, they... saved us.
- Cooper: Who the hell is they? Why would they want to help us, huh?
- TARS: I don't know, but they constructed this three-dimensional space inside of their five-dimensional reality to allow you to understand it.
- Cooper: Well, it ain't working.
- TARS: Yes it is! You've seen that time is represented here as a *physical* dimension! You've worked out that you *can* exert a force across space-time!
- Cooper: Gravity. To send a message.
- TARS: Affirmative.
- Cooper: Gravity can cross the dimensions, including time.
- Cooper: I'm here now, Murph. I'm here.
- Murph: No. No parent should have to watch their own child die. I have my kids here for me now. You go.
- Cooper: Where?
- Murph: Brand. She's... out there. Setting up camp. Alone, in a strange galaxy. Maybe right now, she's settling in for the long nap. By the light of our new sun. In our new home.
- Cooper: You don't believe we went to the Moon?
- Ms. Kelly: I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda, that the Soviets bankrupted themselves, pouring resources into rockets and other useless machines...
- Cooper: Useless machines?
- Ms. Kelly: And if we don't want to repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th Century then we need to teach our kids about this planet, not tales of leaving it.
- Cooper: You know, one of those useless machines they used to make was called an MRI, and if we had any of those left the doctors would have been able to find the cyst in my wife's brain, *before* she died instead of after, and then she would've been the one sitting here, listening to this instead of me, which would've been a good thing because she was always the... calmer one.
- Young Murph: Why did you and mom name me after something that's bad?
- Cooper: Well, we didn't.
- Young Murph: Murphy's law?
- Cooper: Murphy's law doesn't mean that something bad will happen. It means that whatever *can* happen, will happen. And that sounded just fine to us.
- Cooper: Okay. Now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world.
- Dr. Brand: We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it.
- Cooper: [looks up, sees space ships] Rangers.
- Dr. Brand: The last components of our one versatile ship in orbit, the Endurance. Our final expedition.
- Cooper: You sent people out there looking for a new home?
- Dr. Brand: The Lazarus missions.
- Cooper: That sounds cheerful.
- Dr. Brand: Lazarus came back from the dead.
- Cooper: Sure, but he had to die in the first place. There's not a planet in our solar system that can sustain life and the nearest star is over a thousand years away, I mean, that doesn't even qualify as futile. Where'd you send them?
- Dr. Brand: Cooper, I can't tell you any more, unless you agree to pilot this craft. You're the best pilot we ever had.
- Cooper: And I barely left the stratosphere.
- Dr. Brand: This team never left the simulator. We need a pilot, and this is the mission that you were trained for.
- Cooper: What, without even knowing it? An hour ago, you didn't even know I was alive and you were going anyway.
- Dr. Brand: We had no choice. But something sent you here. They chose you.
- Cooper: Well who's "they"?
- [Dr. Brand does not answer]
- Cooper: How long would I be gone?
- Dr. Brand: Hard to know. Years.
- Cooper: I've got kids, professor.
- Dr. Brand: Get out there, and save them.
- Brand: Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but... it can't run backwards. Just can't. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.
- Cooper: After you kids came along, your mom, she said something to me I never quite understood. She said, "Now, we're just here to be memories for our kids." I think now I understand what she meant. Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future.
- Brand: You might have to decide between seeing your children again and the future of the human race.
- [comforting his daughter]
- Cooper: I love you, forever. You hear me? I love you forever. And I'm coming back. I'm coming back.
- Brand: Cooper, you can't ask TARS to do this for us.
- Cooper: He's a robot. So you don't have to *ask* him to do anything.
- Brand: Cooper, you asshole!
- Cooper: Sorry, you broke up a little bit there.
- TARS: It's what we intended, Dr. Brand. It's our only chance to save the people on Earth. If I can find a way to transmit the quantum data I'll find in there, they might still make it.
- Young Murph: What are you gonna do with it?
- Cooper: I'm going to give it something socially responsible to do. Like drive a combine.
- Young Murph: Can't we just let it go? It wasn't hurting anybody.
- Cooper: This thing needs to learn how to adapt, Murph. Like the rest of us.
- Doyle: Where's the rest?
- Brand: Towards the mountains!
- Cooper: Those aren't mountains... they're waves.
- Brand: Oh shit. Oh shit!
- Cooper: That one's moving away from us...
- Brand: [struggling through the water] We need the recorder!
- Cooper: [he looks in the other direction and sees a mounting wave towering thousands of feet over them] Brand, Doyle, back to the Ranger, now!
- Dr. Mann: You're feeling it, aren't you? The survival instinct. That's what drove me. It's what drives all of us. And it's what's gonna save us. Cause I'm gonna save all of us. For you, Cooper.
- Young Murph: Dad?
- Cooper: Sorry, Murph. Go back to bed.
- Young Murph: I thought you were the ghost.
- Cooper: There are no such things as ghosts, babe.
- Young Murph: Grandpa says you can get ghosts.
- Cooper: Maybe that's because Grandpa is a little too close to being one himself. Go back to bed.
- TARS: Cooper, they didn't bring us here to change the past.
- Cooper: Say that again.
- TARS: They didn't bring us here to change the past.
- Cooper: [realizing] But they didn't bring us here at all. We brought ourselves. TARS, give me the coordinates for NASA, in binary.
- TARS: In binary, roger, feeding data.
- [Cooper creates the binary lines in the dust on Murphy's bedroom floor]
- Murph: It's not a ghost... it's gravity.
- Cooper: Don't you get it yet, TARS? I brought myself here! We're here to communicate with the three-dimensional world! We're the bridge! I thought they chose me. But they didn't choose me, they chose her!
- TARS: For what, Cooper?
- Cooper: To save the world! All of this, is one little girl's bedroom, every moment! It's infinitely complex! They have access, to infinite time and space, but they're not *bound* by anything! They can't find a specific place *in* time, they can't communicate. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna find a way to tell Murph, just like I found this moment.
- TARS: How, Cooper?
- Cooper: Love, TARS, love. It's just like Brand said. My connection with Murph, it is quantifiable. It's the key!
- TARS: What are we here to do?
- Cooper: Find how to tell her... The watch... The watch. That's it. We code the data into the movement of the second hand. TARS, translate the data into Morse and feed it to me.
- TARS: Translating data to Morse. Cooper, what if she never came back for it?
- Cooper: She will. She will.
- Getty: [watching for Tom] Murph I can see his car! He's coming, Murph!
- Murph: Okay. I'm coming down!
- TARS: How do you know?
- Cooper: Because I gave it to her.
- Murph: [rushing downstairs with the watch] He came back! It was him! All this time, I didn't, I didn't know it was him! Dad's gonna save us!
- Cooper: Oh we are not prepared for this. We have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop!
- Brand: Well we got this far on our brains, further than any human in history.
- Cooper: Well not far enough! And now we're stuck *here*, until there won't be anyone on Earth left to save!
- Brand: I'm counting every minute, same as you, Cooper.
- Cooper: We're still pioneers, we barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, cause our destiny lies above us.
- Brand: Maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory.
- Cooper: You're a scientist, Brand.
- Brand: So listen to me, when I say that love is not something we invented. It's observable, powerful. It has to mean something.
- Cooper: Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing...
- Brand: We love people who've died. Where's the "social utility" in that?
- Cooper: None.