37 of 80 found this mild
Not visual but sometimes graphic in description. Reference to "boning" someone's mom. Another reference to spreading rumors that someone has chlamydia.
Opposite and same sex kissing. Some of the girls and boys end up having sex, although no nudity is seen. Just the lead up.
There is a poster of a naked woman in episode 4 in one of the boys bedroom. Not full frontal nudity, only breasts are seen.
15 of 24 found this mild
21 of 63 found this moderate
Several f bombs along with several other swear words.
Some episodes did not use f-bomb. If I remember correctly, every episode used profanity in some form.
Within the first 5 minutes 5 f bombs
Múltiple F Words. Should not be rated tv-14. I'm 2/3 through episode one and there have been a dozen or more.
24 of 44 found this moderate
Several instances of teenage partying and drugs and alcohol
2 of 2 found this mild