As usual the bad reviews are way off the mark. It's not THAT bad.
However, any film that has to start off with a dictionary definition of its title to explain why it's about is not a great sign.
This is a possession story but I'm not sure it's got anything to do with dream catchers.
When we think of the great esoteric props in horror movie history we think of the Hellraiser box or the Evil Dead totems in the cellar, they are key to the plot.
It's called dreamkatcher but the weird paranormal activity is clearly happening regardless of wether the dreamcatcher is around or not.
Also the dad joins my list of men in horror films who are complete assholes. Let's face it there are about a million activities you can do with your kids but no, let's go in to the woods and practice cutting things with sharp axes. Yeah dad, let's do that.
All the creepy kid red flags are here. The crazy drawings, weird accidents, sleep walking, etc.
It builds up slightly but the final confrontation scene is ridiculously poor.
Worth a watch if you fancy having something on in the background while your doing the ironing. Not the worst horror of 2020 by any stretch but certainly not the best.