Scream (I) (2022)
Neve Campbell: Sidney Prescott
Sidney Prescott : Sam, I want you to help us kill him.
Sam Carpenter : You want me to help you and the host of a morning show to commit murder?
Gale Riley : Correct.
Sidney Prescott : Yeah.
Sidney Prescott : [On phone with Ghostface] You might actually be the most derivative one of all. I mean, Christ, the same house?
[Shoots door]
Ghostface : Maybe so, but you forgot the first rule of surviving a 'Stab' movie, never answer the...
Sidney Prescott : [Cuts Ghostface off] I'm bored.
Ghostface : Wait!
[Sidney ends the call]
Amber Freeman : No, no, no, no, no, no! It's not my fault, it's not my fault!
Sidney Prescott : Let me guess, the movies made you do it?
Amber Freeman : No, no, no, it's the message boards! I was radicalized!
Gale Riley : By movie fans?
Amber Freeman : Yes, they're so mad! Please, it's not my fault! I'm just a dumb kid, I just wanted to be a part of something!
Dewey Riley : [to Sidney over the phone] But Sid, promise me. No matter what you hear or what you see on the news, don't come here.
Sidney Prescott : No offense, Dewey, I have no intention of ever setting foot in that town again.
Dewey Riley : Good.
Sidney Prescott : Dewey, whoever this killer is after, I'm glad they have you to protect them...
[Gets emotional]
Sidney Prescott : You be safe, okay?
Dewey Riley : Will do.
Sidney Prescott : It's good to hear your voice.
Dewey Riley : You too, Sid.
Amber Freeman : [Runs outside crying and screaming] Help me! Help me! He stabbed me!
Sidney Prescott : [Looks at Gale] What do you think?
Gale Riley : Trap.
Amber Freeman : [Stops pretending] Fuck it!
[Shoots Gale]
Sidney Prescott : I put a tracker on her car.
Gale Riley : You did what?
Sidney Prescott : Seems like something Gale Weathers would do.
Gale Riley : I'll take that as a compliment.
Dewey Riley : Do you have a gun?
Sidney Prescott : I'm Sidney fucking Prescott, of course I have a gun
Sam Carpenter : Sidney. Gale. Thank you both, for everything.
[to Sidney]
Sam Carpenter : Are you gonna be alright?
Sidney Prescott : I'll survive, I always do.
Sam Carpenter : You were right, about not running.
Sidney Prescott : Sorry about that.
Sam Carpenter : [to Gale] How are you doing?
Gale Riley : Ask me in a few days. But at least I know what I'm going to write about.
Sam Carpenter : What's that?
Gale Riley : Not this. Those fuckers can die in anonymity. Maybe something about a good man who was still the sheriff here once.
Sidney Prescott : [Nods and smiles warmly] I'd like to read that story.
[Gale smiles and nods back]
Sam Carpenter : [to Sidney] Can I ask you a weird question?
Sidney Prescott : Yeah.
Sam Carpenter : Am I gonna be okay?
Sidney Prescott : [Sidney pauses, pondering, then:] Eventually.
[Sam pauses, then nods and smiles at Sidney and Gale before walking away]
Gale Riley : If I hadn't written that book about your mother, none of this would have happened.
Sidney Prescott : Gale...
Gale Riley : I started all this.
Sidney Prescott : No, you didn't. Billy Loomis started this, and we're gonna end it. After tonight, no more books, no more movies, no more fucking Ghostface.
Richie Kirsch : Sidney Prescott. You know, I'm a really big fan.
Sidney Prescott : Go fuck yourself.
Sidney Prescott : [after Amber, who just told Gale it was time for her to pass the torch, is set on fire and collapses] Enjoy that torch.
Sidney Prescott : [after Gale has just been shot by Amber] Gale! Gale. Wait, let me see, let me see. Oh, you got to go to the hospital.
Gale Riley : No. You said we were gonna finish this. Go finish this, Sidney.
Sidney Prescott : Gale...
Gale Riley : For Dewey.
[Sidney takes this in and stops protesting]
Dewey Riley : How are you? How's Mark?
[as in, Mark Kincaid from 'Scream 3']
Sidney Prescott : [smiles] I think I'll keep him.
Gale Riley : [to Sidney, about killing Amber] Want to do the honors?
Sidney Prescott : [hands gun to Gale] This one's yours.
Amber Freeman : [Gale points gun at Amber] No! Stop, stop, stop, stop, I'm sorry about Dewey!
Gale Riley : Fuck you!
[Shoots Amber--who is covered in hand sanitizer--three times in the chest, who then spins around, falls against stove top, and is set ablaze]
Sidney Prescott : Enjoy that torch.
Sidney Prescott : Gale.
Gale Riley : Sidney.
Sidney Prescott : I came as soon as I heard.
[Gale cries and embraces Sidney]
Sidney Prescott : I'm so sorry.
Gale Riley : You shouldn't be here.
[Gale pulls away]
Sidney Prescott : You shouldn't be here, either.
Gale Riley : Mark and the kids okay?
Sidney Prescott : Yeah, they're safe for now. I'm here to make sure of that.
[Gale sobs]
Sidney Prescott : Come here.
[Sidney holds Gale]