In Scream 4, they are explaining the Stab franchise and Jenny states that Sidney's character is only in the first 3 movies. But in Scream 2022, Sidney is stated to be in all but the last Stab movie up to that point (which also is found as ironic because she is in all but the last Scream movies so far).
When Sam was speaking with Richie on the phone outside the Hicks house, her hair part changes from left to right then back.
The series is supposed to take place in California. When Amber opens the refrigerator in the basement to get more beer, there's a jar of Hellmann's Mayonnaise. Unilever uses the Hellmann's trademark east of the Rockies. In the west, they use the Best Foods trademark.
At the beginning of the film after Tara what cut by ghost face, she starts walking back trying to keep her doors locked through her phone, when the camera is staring at the door you can see on the left side in the sitting room the window is slightly open.
Before Chad goes outside to find Liv, he grabs a candlestick off a table which he then drops outside when being attacked. A later scene in the house shows Sam grabbing the same candlestick off the same table to attack Ghostface.
At the end of the movie when Tara (Jenna) and Sam (Melissa) hug, Sam just got done with a very brutal killing and was splattered with a lot of blood, but when the sisters hug, no blood rubs off on to Tara's robe. Schlepperman.
During the beginning of the film whilst Tara is walking through the house, in the window to the right of the front door the camera guy can be seen clearly during both scenes that take place during the hallway shots.
At the shower scene, where Wes comes out of the shower and is drying his hair.
You can see the reflection of the cameraman in the glass at the right side.
When Amber falls to the floor after catching on fire from the stove, you can tell it is a stunt person with the flame resistant hood over their head.
In the closing shot when the paramedics close the ambulance doors, the camera rig/crane is reflected on the right side window.
When Sam and Richie are driving to Woodsboro, Spanish moss is seen outside as they drive through shaded areas. Spanish moss can't survive in the Northern California mountains. Additionally, the events of the original and this movie supposedly take place during late Fall, yet no trees are orange, brown, or red. There's also no references to Halloween approaching as a holiday.