314 of 594 found this mild
Sexual references.
A teen boy and a teen girl are kissing on a couch and girl is grinding on him, then she asks him they to go upstairs but the boy refuses.
A teen boy showers and is seen shirtless from the waist up. Camera positioning obscures anything below the waist.
275 of 312 found this severe
A girl has her stomach slashed with a knife leaving a bloody gash. She is then stabbed once in her gut before having her leg stomped on (we hear a loud crunch) she is then stabbed directly through the hand and then 2'more times. It's brutal and hard to watch but she survives.
The killer sneaks up on a man and quickly stabs him in his throat. Blood pours everywhere and the man crawls away with blood leaking out of his neck and squirting all over his face. He dies with blood all over his face.
A woman arrives at her home and is bloodily stabbed numerous times in the chest and stomach, with blood spurting all over her. Blood spurts from her wounds and mouth, leaving blood all over her face, the killer stabs her roughly and viscously.
A boy is bloodily stabbed through the side of his neck all the way through. There is a graphic and prolonged close up of the knife going through the front of his neck, and then slowly piercing the skin and protruding out on the other side of his neck. Graphically depicted along with blood pouring out of his mouth and neck.
A woman stabs a man through the cheeks with a large knife, rips it out and stabs him 21 times in a row in the chest/torso. She holds his head still and slits his throat slowly, (Blood is pumping from his neck and there is blood everywhere. He gurgles blood and chokes as he dies in a pool of his own blood.). The woman then grabs a gun and shoots his corpse in the head three times (blood splats).
A man is stabbed in the chest with a knife. He is then stabbed in the back. Blood sprays from his chest and mouth onto the ground. The killer than rips the knives upward, sawing through his back and chest. Brutal sound effects accompany this scene. Blood spills all over the floor. He is then kicked over on to the ground and dies in a pool of blood. Blood is then shown in close up all over his mouth, cheeks, and face. Very graphic and brutal, as well as quite emotional.
A girl in a wheelchair attempts to escape a killer. Her injured hand presses down on her right side wheel causing the wound of her hand to open up, blood rolls around her wheel and saturated her hand bandaging.
A boy is stabbed directly into the artery of his right leg, we see him hobble away before a close up of blood pouring down his leg is shown, he runs but is caught up with a stabbed 3 times in the side repeatedly, we see him laying down and gurgling his own blood.
A girl is stabbed in the shoulder offscreen with a knife. She is discovered with the wound bleeding fending off the bloody knife being directed at her face which is now smeared in her blood. She eventually passes out due to blood loss.
A girl is graphically shot through the head with a huge amount of blood spraying the wall behind her, she instantly drops dead after this. Very sudden and bloody.
220 of 321 found this severe
One use of "Jesus"
10 mild obscenities, name-calling (schlocky, nonsense, weird hair, over-lit, toxic, sweetie, dude, bait, hopeless victim, selfish, weak, coward, sensitive, psycho, nuts, douche nozzle, ridiculous, terrible, distant, goofy, murder target, too boring, would-be killer, creep, idiot, sloppy, lunatic, dumb ass. Cheeseball was used one time.
2 obscene finger gestures.
206 of 267 found this mild
Alcohol use among teenagers.
A girl takes antipsychotic pills throughout the movie.
A girl mentions she's going to quote, "Smoke some weed."
198 of 279 found this severe
Characters are chased and murdered.
The deaths are VERY brutal and over the top.
Many attacks by a killer using a knife and causing many very bloody and fatal injuries, a few gunshot wounds that spill a lot of blood.
An important character dies about through the movie. May be emotional and sad to some viewers.