- Wes Hicks: [suspecting Dewey as the killer] You got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife, and crawled into a bottle. I think it's safe to say you're on the suspect list.
- Dewey Riley: Well, maybe you're the killer. Because that cut deep.
- Sidney Prescott: Sam, I want you to help us kill him.
- Sam Carpenter: You want me to help you and the host of a morning show to commit murder?
- Gale Riley: Correct.
- Sidney Prescott: Yeah.
- Amber Freeman: [to Sam] It wouldn't work with just you, Sam.
- [to Sidney]
- Amber Freeman: See, we had to bring the legacy characters back to make it matter. Can't have a bonafide Halloween without Jamie Lee!
- Sidney Prescott: [On phone with Ghostface] You might actually be the most derivative one of all. I mean, Christ, the same house?
- [Shoots door]
- Ghostface: Maybe so, but you forgot the first rule of surviving a 'Stab' movie, never answer the...
- Sidney Prescott: [Cuts Ghostface off] I'm bored.
- Ghostface: Wait!
- [Sidney ends the call]
- Ghostface: What's your favorite scary movie?
- Sheriff Judy Hicks: I prefer animated films and musicals.
- Amber Freeman: No, no, no, no, no, no! It's not my fault, it's not my fault!
- Sidney Prescott: Let me guess, the movies made you do it?
- Amber Freeman: No, no, no, it's the message boards! I was radicalized!
- Gale Riley: By movie fans?
- Amber Freeman: Yes, they're so mad! Please, it's not my fault! I'm just a dumb kid, I just wanted to be a part of something!
- Amber Freeman: [Choking Gale] Time to pass the torch!
- Gale Riley: It's all yours, bitch!
- [Headbutts Amber and kicks her against the kitchen stove]
- Dewey Riley: [to Sidney over the phone] But Sid, promise me. No matter what you hear or what you see on the news, don't come here.
- Sidney Prescott: No offense, Dewey, I have no intention of ever setting foot in that town again.
- Dewey Riley: Good.
- Sidney Prescott: Dewey, whoever this killer is after, I'm glad they have you to protect them...
- [Gets emotional]
- Sidney Prescott: You be safe, okay?
- Dewey Riley: Will do.
- Sidney Prescott: It's good to hear your voice.
- Dewey Riley: You too, Sid.
- Amber Freeman: [Runs outside crying and screaming] Help me! Help me! He stabbed me!
- Sidney Prescott: [Looks at Gale] What do you think?
- Gale Riley: Trap.
- Amber Freeman: [Stops pretending] Fuck it!
- [Shoots Gale]
- Sidney Prescott: I put a tracker on her car.
- Gale Riley: You did what?
- Sidney Prescott: Seems like something Gale Weathers would do.
- Gale Riley: I'll take that as a compliment.
- Richie Kirsch: Thank God, you're okay!
- [Stabs Sam]
- Richie Kirsch: Because I really, really wanted to be the one to kill you.
- Richie Kirsch: Because nobody takes the true fans seriously, not really. They just laugh at us, and why? Because we love something? We're just a fucking joke to them! How can fandom be toxic? It's about love! You don't fucking understand, these movies are important to people.
- Sam Carpenter: [to Ghostface who's been shot and stabbed continuously] Never fuck with the daughter of a serial killer.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: [Drunkenly laying on couch, watching Ghostface sneak up behind Randy in 'Stab', while Ghostface enters room and sneaks up behind Mindy] Dude, what are you doing? You can do it! These are your rules, man, own that shit. Look behind...
- [pauses and realizes she should follow her own advice, turning around to see Ghostface]
- Liv McKenzie: Fuck you, Amber! I'm not the fucking killer!
- Amber Freeman: I know.
- [Pulls out a gun and shoots Liv in the head, revealing herself as a killer]
- Amber Freeman: Welcome to Act 3.
- Richie Kirsch: [having been stabbed multiple times]
- [whimpering]
- Richie Kirsch: WAIT! What about my ending?
- Sam Carpenter: Here it comes.
- [slashes his throat then fires repeatedly with a coup de grâce headshot]
- Tara Carpenter: [a badly burned and disfigured Amber emerges from the kitchen screaming and charging at Sidney, Gale, and Sam with a knife, only to be shot in the side of the head by Tara] I still prefer "The Babadook."
- Gale Riley: You are a lot of things, Dewey, but you are NOT a coward. You just, you just were meant to be in Woodsboro.
- Dewey Riley: And you weren't.
- Dewey Riley: [notices Gale's camera operator and assistant] Couldn't resist a good story, could you?
- Gale Riley: Don't be an idiot, Dewey. I'm here because I was worried about you... Okay, yes! My producers wanted me to cover this for obvious reasons, but ninety percent is because of you.
- Dewey Riley: Well, I feel ninety percent better.
- Sam Carpenter: Sidney. Gale. Thank you both, for everything.
- [to Sidney]
- Sam Carpenter: Are you gonna be alright?
- Sidney Prescott: I'll survive, I always do.
- Sam Carpenter: You were right, about not running.
- Sidney Prescott: Sorry about that.
- Sam Carpenter: [to Gale] How are you doing?
- Gale Riley: Ask me in a few days. But at least I know what I'm going to write about.
- Sam Carpenter: What's that?
- Gale Riley: Not this. Those fuckers can die in anonymity. Maybe something about a good man who was still the sheriff here once.
- Sidney Prescott: [Nods and smiles warmly] I'd like to read that story.
- [Gale smiles and nods back]
- Sam Carpenter: [to Sidney] Can I ask you a weird question?
- Sidney Prescott: Yeah.
- Sam Carpenter: Am I gonna be okay?
- Sidney Prescott: [Sidney pauses, pondering, then:] Eventually.
- [Sam pauses, then nods and smiles at Sidney and Gale before walking away]
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: See, you can't just reboot a franchise from scratch anymore. The fans won't stand for it. Black Christmas, Child's Play, Flatliners, that shit doesn't work. But you can't just do a straight sequel, either. You need to build something new. But not too new or the Internet goes bug-fucking-nuts. It has to be part of an ongoing storyline, even if that story should never have been going on in the first place. New main characters, yes, but supported by, and related to, legacy characters. Not quite a reboot, not quite a sequel, like the new Halloween, Saw, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters, fuck, even Star Wars. It always, always goes back to the original!
- Gale Riley: If I hadn't written that book about your mother, none of this would have happened.
- Sidney Prescott: Gale...
- Gale Riley: I started all this.
- Sidney Prescott: No, you didn't. Billy Loomis started this, and we're gonna end it. After tonight, no more books, no more movies, no more fucking Ghostface.
- Tara Carpenter: [after being asked who the original killers in Stab were] Oh, my God. I know this one, you fuck. It's Billy Loomis! It's Billy Loomis and he was Sidney's boyfriend and he was played by Luke Wilson, and I got you, asshole! I got it! I got it right!
- Ghostface: Oh, I'm sorry, Tara, but that's just not correct...
- Tara Carpenter: [protests] What? No, no, no, no, it is, it is, that is right...
- Ghostface: The correct answer is Billy Loomis AND Stu Macher. There are TWO killers in the original 'Stab'. I'm afraid someone's gotta die now.
- Liv McKenzie: Why are you looking at me like that?
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Just revising my suspect list.
- Liv McKenzie: Fuck this.
- [Walks away, then returns with a smile]
- Liv McKenzie: Are you afraid of me, Mindy?
- [Mindy laughs]
- Liv McKenzie: You think I did something to your brother, huh?
- [Mindy frowns, Liv leans in]
- Liv McKenzie: You think I'm gonna cut you up?
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: A little bit now, yeah...
- Liv McKenzie: I thought you said I was 'too boring' to be the killer? Maybe I was the twist. What do you think, huh? You're the expert. You know what eventually happens to the expert?
- [Does a throat cut motion]
- Liv McKenzie: Enjoy your stupid movie.
- [Grabs Mindy's chips and walks away]
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Fucking... psycho...
- Dewey Riley: [text message to Gale] Ghostface is back. Don't come to Woodsboro. Hope all is well.
- [Adds a smile emoji to the end of the text]
- Dewey Riley: [when asked about Stu] Stu Macher... Billy Loomis' Accomplice
- [disparagingly]
- Dewey Riley: REAL Looney Tunes
- Sam Carpenter: [visiting in hospital] How are you feeling?
- Tara Carpenter: Every time I get attacked, they give me better painkillers.
- [smiles]
- Tara Carpenter: Why is that?
- Sidney Prescott: [after Amber, who just told Gale it was time for her to pass the torch, is set on fire and collapses] Enjoy that torch.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Going by the pattern, whoever it is has to be connected to someone that came before.
- Dewey Riley: [shifts uncomfortably while everyone stares at him] I'm starting to regret coming here.
- Wes Hicks: Jesus, my mom is a character in one of them.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: [rolls her eyes] No one cares about the shitty, inferior sequels, Wes. You're safe.
- [to Chad]
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Randy is our uncle, though, you and I are probably screwed.
- Chad Meeks-Martin: Wait, what?
- Tara Carpenter: So what do we do now?
- Sam Carpenter: What nobody ever does in these situations, we're gonna get the fuck out of Woodsboro.
- Amber Freeman: [Startled by Mindy] What the fuck, Mindy? Jesus!
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: That was a test, and you failed. You never go off on your own when there's a masked killer around.
- Amber Freeman: You're the one that said we needed more beer.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Yeah, and you should've asked me to come down here with you.
- Amber Freeman: [Amber smiles] You know what else you shouldn't do when there's a masked killer around?
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: [Uninterested] What?
- Amber Freeman: Follow someone into a dark creepy basement alone. I mean... How do you know I'm not the killer?
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: [Smiles and gets closer to Amber] Because I am...
- [Amber frowns and slowly moves back]
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: I'm not actually.
- [Mindy smiles and claps her hands together]
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: But let that be a lesson. Don't trust anyone.
- Amber Freeman: Then how can I trust you when you say you're not the killer?
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Exactly. You're learning, now let's go back upstairs.
- Amber Freeman: [Mindy watches Amber walk to staircase and hesitate at the first step] You first.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: [Mindy smiles] Very good.
- Richie Kirsch: Hi, uh... Do you know if there's any beer left? There's none in the kitchen.
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Yes, Richie. There's beer in the basement... Right behind you. Basement. Yeah.
- Richie Kirsch: [chuckles nervously] Do you want to, uh, come with me?
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: [laughs] No, but you were right to ask.
- Richie Kirsch: Yeah, um... Okay, I'll be right back.
- [Richie and Mindy laugh at what he just said and point at each other]
- Richie Kirsch: Yeah. Yeah...
- [Richie leaves for the basement]
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Well, he's dead.
- Sidney Prescott: [after Gale has just been shot by Amber] Gale! Gale. Wait, let me see, let me see. Oh, you got to go to the hospital.
- Gale Riley: No. You said we were gonna finish this. Go finish this, Sidney.
- Sidney Prescott: Gale...
- Gale Riley: For Dewey.
- [Sidney takes this in and stops protesting]
- Liv McKenzie: [Liv and Chad make out on the couch] I mean, I think we should, like now. Want to go upstairs?
- Chad Meeks-Martin: Like, like upstairs?
- Liv McKenzie: Uh-huh, right now.
- Chad Meeks-Martin: [hesitant] Um... don't take this the wrong way, but I think I have to pass... on that...
- Liv McKenzie: [laughs] What?
- [realizes Chad is serious]
- Liv McKenzie: W-why?
- Chad Meeks-Martin: Well, you know, I-I'm not entirely sure you're not the... killer.
- Liv McKenzie: [incredulous] Don't take this the wrong way?
- Chad Meeks-Martin: [tries to backtrack in high pitch] No, no, no, no, look! I'm, like, almost one hundred percent certain that you are not, BUT the safest option... is to be down here... with all the people...
- Liv McKenzie: Fuck you.
- [Liv stands and charges away]
- Chad Meeks-Martin: ...and all the potential witnesses.
- [Liv charges away]
- Chad Meeks-Martin: That is a completely valid emotional response to have.
- [Liv turns and gives him the finger]
- Chad Meeks-Martin: That, too!
- Liv McKenzie: Fucking asshole!
- [bumps into Mindy on her way out; Mindy smiles and gives Chad a thumbs up]
- Mindy Meeks-Martin: Good talk!
- Chad Meeks-Martin: [sarcastically returns the smile and thumbs up, then gives her the finger] Fuck you, Mindy.
- Dewey Riley: How are you? How's Mark?
- [as in, Mark Kincaid from 'Scream 3']
- Sidney Prescott: [smiles] I think I'll keep him.
- Chad Meeks-Martin: Hey!
- [Holds shot up to crowd]
- Chad Meeks-Martin: To Wes!
- [Everyone shouts the same and takes a shot]
- Chad Meeks-Martin: Beautiful son of a bitch.
- Sam Carpenter: [after sharing an emotional moment] You're so high right now.
- Tara Carpenter: I'm so high right now, not even gonna lie.
- Dewey Riley: [after Sam runs a red traffic light] Stop! You know we have to live through this to help her, right?
- Richie Kirsch: [trying to convince a bunch of teens to leave Amber's party] Uh, hi. Gen Z, how are you? Um, both Sam and Tara here have been attacked by the killer twice and now they're here, which makes this place a huge murder target. So, uh... if I were you, I would probably leave.
- [someone throws a cup at his head]
- Richie Kirsch: Okay, I tried to be nice! Get the fuck out! Please, get the fuck out! Sincerely, get the fuck out!
- [teens insult him as they start to leave]
- Richie Kirsch: Thank you! Thank you, all! I'm saving your life, I promise. Thanks, teens. Thank you so much.
- [someone throws a cup on the floor]
- Richie Kirsch: Great, thank you for leaving the cup, thank you.
- [still getting insulted]
- Richie Kirsch: Saving your life, saving your life, saving your life... Thank you.
- Tara Carpenter: You're not the reason dad left. You didn't choose where you came from, or who you came from. I don't blame you for that. I blame you for leaving me too.
- Sam Carpenter: That's never gonna happen again.
- Tara Carpenter: I know.
- Sam Carpenter: You did all this just to make me the hero of your fucked up movie?
- Richie Kirsch: Sweetie, you're not the hero. You're the villain. The daughter of Billy Loomis who sees fucked up visions of her dead dad. Sidney Prescott killed your father. You did all this just to get her back to Woodsboro.
- Gale Riley: [to Sidney, about killing Amber] Want to do the honors?
- Sidney Prescott: [hands gun to Gale] This one's yours.
- Amber Freeman: [Gale points gun at Amber] No! Stop, stop, stop, stop, I'm sorry about Dewey!
- Gale Riley: Fuck you!
- [Shoots Amber--who is covered in hand sanitizer--three times in the chest, who then spins around, falls against stove top, and is set ablaze]
- Sidney Prescott: Enjoy that torch.
- Sidney Prescott: Gale.
- Gale Riley: Sidney.
- Sidney Prescott: I came as soon as I heard.
- [Gale cries and embraces Sidney]
- Sidney Prescott: I'm so sorry.
- Gale Riley: You shouldn't be here.
- [Gale pulls away]
- Sidney Prescott: You shouldn't be here, either.
- Gale Riley: Mark and the kids okay?
- Sidney Prescott: Yeah, they're safe for now. I'm here to make sure of that.
- [Gale sobs]
- Sidney Prescott: Come here.
- [Sidney holds Gale]
- Sam Carpenter: I'm sorry. I didn't know him well, but... he helped me.
- Gale Riley: That's what he did, he helped people. I should have stopped him.
- Sam Carpenter: If you had, my sister would be dead.