The title "Run Hide Fight" refers to the recommended course of action to be taken during an active shooting. First you should run away; if you cannot run away, then hide; and if you can't hide, then fight the shooter.
The film bears many resemblances to the original Die Hard (1988), with Zoe very similar to John McClane. The main character avoids the initial hostage takeover, to then run around the building causing mischief for the antagonists. The antagonists use walkie-talkie systems to communicate. When Zoe pulls the fire alarm Tristan says that it's early but not unexpected, which is nearly a direct quote from Hans Gruber.
This is the first feature film released by The Daily Wire. It is considered by The Daily Wire to be their official launch into the entertainment industry.
The producers organized the shooting and killing of a live deer on camera for the first scene of the film. This caused an outrage in the industry, and many of the crew left the film because of it.
First movie released by The Daily Wire, a conservative media company with hosts Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Andrew Klavan and Michael Knowles.