"Maltin on Movies" Warm Bodies (TV Episode 2013)
Movie reviewed in this episode."Film '72" Episode dated 6 February 2013 (TV Episode 2013)
Movie is reviewed."Half in the Bag" Warm Bodies and Movie 43 (TV Episode 2013)
movie is reviewed"WatchMojo" Top 10 Zombie Types in Movies and TV (TV Episode 2015)
The Romantic Zombies get an honorable mention."WatchMojo" Top 10 Memorable Zombies in Movies (TV Episode 2015)
R is #4.
"Midnight Screenings" Bullet to the Head/Warm Bodies (TV Episode 2013)
movie is reviewed"Evening Urgant" Jason Statham/Neschastnyy Sluchay (TV Episode 2013)
Mentioned by Anton Dolin."Nostalgia Critic" Why Do We Love Zombies? (TV Episode 2013)
mentioned among zombie flicksCooties (2014)
Wade mentions this filmMore Like Pests (Short 2014)
Title is referenced.
Apocalypse Now (1979)
During R's opening narrative, there is a brief glimpse of a newspaper headline with the words APOCALYPSE NOW.Zombie (1979)
In R's home (the abandoned airplane), it turns out he owns a Blu-ray of the movie.Airplane! (1980)
The phrase "The white zone is for loading and unloading passengers..." can be heard playing over loudspeakers outside the airport terminals in both films.Pretty Woman (1990)
Title song played briefly during "makeover".Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Cited as an inspiration by director Jonathan Levine.
"The Hillywood Show" Warm Bodies Parody (TV Episode 2013)
Parody"Mad" Lukewarm Bodies/Does Someone Have to GOa? (TV Episode 2013)
Lukewarm Bodies is a spoof of this movie.The Walking Deceased (2015)