This is my introduction to the franchise, I've heard about both the movie and the comics being really good so I gave this a chance.
It was...alright? Only 8 episodes, it doesn't really drag for long but it wasn't anything special; the animation was great but the story was pretty meh, I really liked the first and last 2 episodes, which means that pretty much everything that had Ramona as the protagonist was average at best. I liked cool, non-stereotypical female characters and Ramona is that but she's just not that interesting as an MC. Finding out that this isn't a direct adaptation makes everything make sense, this was definitely something that was created for the old fans. She has a past, a IDGAF attitude and a cool design which on paper sounds good but just isn't as entertaining as Scott which is your average lovable idiot and watching him try his best is what makes the show shine.
I can now see why fans would be upset at the misguided promotion that led them to believe the show would be an adaptation of the original. Although I'm not so sure I'd enjoy it more if they had adapted the original story, the evil exes were just not entertaining to watch either, most of them were kind of cringe, and not fun cringe, just sad corny cringe. I think it'd been better if it had been Ramona who had disappeared or something, I don't know, I wasn't expecting anything and was sure not amazed.