There is a guy who says... It's not about Facebook, it's about ... friendship, loyalty, power, lawsuits, etc. Oh? Didn't he know what the video's title was going to be? Of course it is about Facebook, and it's creator, Mark Zuckerberg. But mainly, it is about the fact that the Winklevoss twins did sue, and did receive a truckload of money, and Zuckerberg had to suck on that, much (apparently), to his reluctance to do so.
The only interesting fact we learn is that they took 99 takes for the first scene. Ridiculous, and then... how did they choose which one to print? OK, so there were several cameras going, so it wasn't 99 for all of them, but still, that is a lot of footage, a lot of time, and... the end result is maybe the worst ever opening scene.
There are other short videos on the DVD which are just as boring. Especially the one about the musical score, which is, at best, forgettable. Watching this "bonus feature" might put the viewer off from suffering through the actual movie.