- Roger Ebert [Cortlyn Kelly]
- Roger Ebert [Robert Daniels]
- 1 of my Stories [Lindsey Dunn]
- 2 Film Critics [William Graebner, Dianne Bennett]
- 4Columns.org [Ed Halter]
- Alamo City Movie Talk [Ryan D, Angela D]
- All Parentheses [Keith Uhlich]
- Ashley & Company [Ashley Saunders]
- Austin Chronicle [Richard Whittaker]
- Awards Watch [Sophia Ciminello]
- Battle Royale with Cheese [Daniel Rester]
- Battle Royale with Cheese [Nick Boyd]
- Beyond the Cinerama Dome [Tina Kakadelis]
- Bina Movies [Sabina Reeves]
- Blu-ray.com [Brian Orndorf]
- But Why Tho? [Allyson Johnson]
- Cambridge Day [Tom Meek]
- Cineccentric [Alex Sitaras]
- Cinefied [Peter Gray]
- Cinema Babel [Garrett Eberhardt]
- Cinésthesia [Mike McCahill]
- Common Sense Media [Monique Jones]
- Culture Mix [Carla Hay]
- Cut to the Take [Lucy Muñoz]
- Dennis Schwartz [Dennis Schwartz]
- disappointment media [Jonathan Berk]
- Doctor Popcorn [Saxon Whitehead]
- eZadar [Ivica Perinovic]
- Croatian
- Film Authority [Eddie Harrison]
- Film Book [Thomas Duffy]
- Film Festival Today [Christopher Llewellyn Reed]
- Film Obsessive [Jay Rohr]
- Film Review Daily [Mansel Stimpson]
- Film Reviews by Mark [Mark Schroeder]
- Film-Forward.com [Christopher Bourne]
- Flickreel [Nick Spake]
- Flix Chatter [Ruth Maramis]
- Frank's Film Review [Frank Gaimari]
- Gazettely [Shahrbanoo Golmohamadi]
- Geeks [Sean Patrick]
- Gone with the Twins [The Massie Twins]
- If You Want the Gravy... [James Teller]
- Ion Cinema [Nicholas Bell]
- Ivan Infierno [Ivan Infierno]
- jdbrecords [Jeffery Berg]
- JWR [S. James Wegg]
- Keith & the Movies [Keith Garlington]
- keithlovesmovies.com [Keith Noakes]
- KenKenReviews
- KinoCulture Montréal [Luc Chaput]
- French
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