Lindsey Normington credited as playing...
- Diamond: Caught your whale?
- Ani: Seems I did, didn't I?
- [Ani chuckles condescendingly while walking away]
- Diamond: I give it two weeks, bitch.
- Ani: [Ani pauses, turns around, continues talking condescendingly] Oh, Diamond. Oh, sweetie. You know, I really hope you find your happiness one day. I really hope...
- Diamond: [cuts her off] I hope you find a fucking plastic surgeon-
- [Anora mockingly kisses her on the lips]
- Diamond: what the fuck?
- [a club guard breaks them up]
- Diamond: Play in my fucking face again, bitch, see what happens. You're a fucking bitch!
- Ani: [Walks away] Oh, stay jealous, babe. Stay jealous, honey. Jealousy is a disease, remember that, Diamond. I'm just gonna go chill in my mansion or whatever, you know, no big deal!