518 of 727 found this severe
Explicit Female Sex Work opens this film with exclusive & prolonged hyper sexualized female nudity & imagery.
Numerous graphic sex scenes feature exclusive monetized female nudity & sexuality with excessive use of drugs, alcohol & severe sexual discourse by engaging parties.
Extensive Female Strip Club scenes feature explict nude female revenue & monetized female erotica for exclusive male clientele.
A male's clothes erection is briefly seen in a cometic context.
183 of 279 found this mild
Characters are bitten, punched.
There are several fights; characters yell, push, hit each other, grab and hold, leading to minor wounds: a black eye, scars, minimal injuries.
Verbal and visual references to sexual violence.
In this film, violence is presented in a comical way.
Aggressive violent behavior is occasionally depicted.
257 of 296 found this severe
Fuck, shit, and cunt are used alongside lesser profanities and homophobic slurs.
Some of these profanities are spoken in Russian.
There are approximately 400 uses of the F-word.
Ivan makes several derogatory remarks about Toros and Garnick being Armenian.
207 of 290 found this severe
We see people drinking, smoking, vaping and doing drugs (including cocaine and marijuana). Ani smokes, vapes, and smokes pot. Lulu smokes pot.
Some people talk about doing ketamine.
112 of 273 found this moderate
Extreme verbal & physical fighting with pervasive & intense arguing & screaming with vulgarity & swearing.