16 of 45 found this moderate
Two sex scenes, though the film is edited in a way that nothing explicit is shown.
A married couple are in the shower together with sex implied. Side view of woman's breast and a side view of her buttocks are shown. Man's pubic area is partially shown.
In a very dark scene in the woods, a woman's bare buttocks are fully visible and one of her bare breasts are visible but very hard to notice.
Kneeling on the floor of living room, wife unfasten's husband's jeans but fellatio is interrupted. No nudity.
A man unzips a woman's shorts and starts fingering her. Her vagina is not shown.
10 of 21 found this moderate
A man is struck in the head and is knocked out. He is seen later with a bloody wound on his forehead.
A few scenes showing blood and gruesome images.
A woman inserts a knife between her legs and we see blood on the floor.
9 of 16 found this moderate
About 10 uses of Fuck, all said by one character. Nothing else that is worth noting.
14 of 18 found this to have none
The husband is seen drinking a beer.
10 of 18 found this severe
The second half of the movie is quite intense.