After several years of penning unsold scripts, writer/director Leigh Janiak and co-writer Phil Graziadei finally hit on the idea for Honeymoon after being inspired by the micro-budget horror movie Monsters (2010). They started writing in mid-2011. Found the person who became their producer end of 2011. Took 2012 to get financing and shot it early 2013. Janiak said it was pretty quick in the grand scheme of things once the actual script started. But the process of getting there was long.
Leigh Janiak chose Rose Leslie to perform as Bea after viewing her performance in Downton Abbey (2010) and Game of Thrones (2011). Janiak said, "I wanted someone that felt different, someone that you wouldn't expect to see in a genre movie. And, you know, not a certain look. That was really important to me. And she was so different in each of those roles. I just thought she was really good and her charisma was amazing."
Leigh Janiak's feature debut.
Bea makes the buzzing noize to Pauls lips when he calls her 'honeybea', however the noise is more remiscent of a typical yellow jacket wasp.