Saoirse Ronan credited as playing...
Jo March
- Jo March: Perhaps... perhaps I was too quick in turning him down. Laurie.
- Marmee March: Do you love him?
- Jo March: If he asked me again, I think I would say yes. Do you think he'll ask me again?
- Marmee March: But do you love him?
- Jo March: I care more to be loved. I want to be loved.
- Marmee March: That is not the same as loving.
- Meg March: I can't believe today is my wedding day!
- Jo March: Me neither.
- Meg March: What's wrong?
- Jo March: Nothing.
- Meg March: Jo...
- Jo March: We can leave. We can leave right now.
- Meg March: What?
- Jo March: I can make money: I'll sell stories, I'll do anything - cook, clean, work in a factory. I can make a life for us.
- Meg March: But, Jo...
- Jo March: And you, you should be an actress and have a life on the stage. Let's run away together.
- Meg March: I want to get married.
- Jo March: Why?
- Meg March: I love him.
- Jo March: You will be bored of him in two years and we will be interesting forever.
- Meg March: Just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're unimportant. I want a home and a family and I'm willing to work and struggle, but I want to do it with John.
- Jo March: I just hate that you're leaving me. Don't leave.
- Meg March: Oh, Jo, I'm not leaving you. Besides, one day it will be your turn.
- Jo March: I'd rather be a free spinster and paddle my own canoe. I would. I can't believe childhood is over.
- Meg March: It was going to end one way or another. And what a happy end.
- Jo March: [Whispering to Beth] Don't go quietly, fight! Please fight to the end, be LOUD! Don't just quietly go away!
- Jo March: I can't say "Yes" truly, so I won't say it at all. You'll see that I'm right, eventually, and you'll thank me for it.
- Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence: I'll be hanged if I do!
- Jo March: You'll find some lovely accomplished girl who will adore you and make a fine mistress for your fine house. I wouldn't. I'm homely and awkward and odd and you'd be ashamed of me and we would quarrel - we can't help it even now! - I'd hate elegant society and you'd hate my scribbling and we would be unhappy and wish we hadn't done it and everything will be horrid.
- Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence: Anything more?
- Jo March: Nothing more -- except that... I don't believe I will ever marry. I'm happy as I am, and love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up.
- Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence: You will care for somebody, and you'll love him tremendously, and live and die for him. I know you will, it's your way, and you will and I'll watch.
- Jo March: Teddy...
- Beth March: It's like the tide going out. It goes out slowly, but it can't be stopped.
- Jo March: I'll stop it. I've stopped it before.
- Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence: That's my grandfather. Are you scared of him?
- Jo March: I'm not scared of anyone! He looks stern, but my grandfather was much more handsome.
- Marmee March: Jo! We do not compare grandfathers!
- Beth March: I love to listen to you read, Jo, but I love it even better when you read the stories you've written.
- Jo March: I don't have any new stories.
- Beth March: Why not?
- Jo March: Haven't written any.
- Beth March: You have pencil and paper. Sit here and write me something.
- Jo March: Uhh. I can't, I don't think I can anymore.
- Beth March: Why?
- Jo March: It's just, no one even cares to hear my stories anyway.
- Beth March: Write something for me. You're a writer. Even before anyone knew or paid you. I'm very sick and you must do what I say. Do what Marmee taught us to do. Do it for someone else.
- Jo March: If she had died, it would've been my fault.
- Marmee March: She will be fine, the doctor said he didn't even think she'd catch cold.
- Jo March: What is wrong with me? I've made so many resolutions and written sad notes and cried over my sins, but it just doesn't seem to help. When I get in a passion, I get so savage I could hurt anyone and I'd enjoy it.
- Marmee March: You remind me of myself.
- Jo March: But you're never angry.
- Marmee March: I'm angry nearly every day of my life.
- Jo March: You are?
- Marmee March: I'm not patient by nature, but with nearly forty years of effort I'm learning to not let it get the better of me.
- Jo March: I'll do the same, then.
- Marmee March: I hope you'll do a great deal better than me. There are some natures too noble to curb and too lofty to bend.
- Jo March: When is Amy coming home?
- Marmee March: We didn't want to worry her.
- Jo March: Does she not know?
- Meg March: Beth insisted we not tell her because she didn't want to ruin Amy's trip.
- Jo March: Amy has always had a talent for getting out of the hard parts of life.
- Marmee March: Jo, don't be angry with your sister...
- Amy March: I'm sorry, Jo.
- Marmee March: Amy...
- Amy March: It's just that the only thing you care about is your writing so it's not as if I could hurt you by ruining one of your dresses. And I really did want to hurt you. I am the most sorry for it now. I'm so sorry.
- Marmee March: Jo, don't let the sun go down on your anger. Forgive her. Help each other, and you begin again tomorrow.
- Jo March: She doesn't deserve my forgiveness. I will hate her! I will hate her forever!
- Beth March: Is there any news? What does she say?
- Jo March: She writes that Laurie is there... I'm glad he's with her, he won't respond to any of my letters.
- Beth March: Do you miss him?
- Jo March: [Tearing up] I miss everything.
- Beth March: I know.
- Jo March: You will get better. Father will get better. And we'll all be together soon.
- Beth March: We can't stop God's will.
- Jo March: God hasn't met my will yet. What Jo wills shall be done.
- Jo March: Theodore Lawrence you ought to be the happiest boy in the world!
- Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence: A fellow can't live on books alone.
- Jo March: I could.
- Mrs. Kirke: Kitty and Minny are waiting!
- Jo March: My students need me.
- Friedrich Bhaer: Always working.
- Jo March: Money is the end and aim of my mercenary existence.
- Friedrich Bhaer: No one gets ink stains like yours just out of a desire for money.
- Jo March: Well, my sister Amy is in Paris, and until she marries someone obscenely wealthy, it's up to me to keep the family afloat. Goodbye.
- Friedrich Bhaer: Goodbye.