Little Women (2019)
Timothée Chalamet: Laurie
Amy March : I believe we have some power over who we love. It isn't something that just happens to a person.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I think the poets might disagree.
Amy March : Well, I'm not a poet. I'm just a woman. And as a woman, there's no way for me to make my own money. Not enough to earn a living or support my family. And if I had my own money, which I don't, that money would belong to my husband the moment we got married. And if we had children, they would be his, not mine. They would be his property. So don't sit there and tell me that marriage isn't an economic proposition because it is. It may not be for you, but it most certainly is for me.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Don't marry him.
Amy March : What?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Don't marry him.
Amy March : Why?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : You know why...
Amy March : No, Laurie, that's mean, it's just mean of you...
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Why?
Amy March : I have been second to Jo my whole life in everything and I will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have her. I won't do it, not when, not when I've spent my entire life loving you.
Jo March : I can't say "Yes" truly, so I won't say it at all. You'll see that I'm right, eventually, and you'll thank me for it.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I'll be hanged if I do!
Jo March : You'll find some lovely accomplished girl who will adore you and make a fine mistress for your fine house. I wouldn't. I'm homely and awkward and odd and you'd be ashamed of me and we would quarrel - we can't help it even now! - I'd hate elegant society and you'd hate my scribbling and we would be unhappy and wish we hadn't done it and everything will be horrid.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Anything more?
Jo March : Nothing more -- except that... I don't believe I will ever marry. I'm happy as I am, and love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : You will care for somebody, and you'll love him tremendously, and live and die for him. I know you will, it's your way, and you will and I'll watch.
Jo March : Teddy...
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : That's my grandfather. Are you scared of him?
Jo March : I'm not scared of anyone! He looks stern, but my grandfather was much more handsome.
Marmee March : Jo! We do not compare grandfathers!
Jo March : Theodore Lawrence you ought to be the happiest boy in the world!
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : A fellow can't live on books alone.
Jo March : I could.
John Brooke : [Laurie standing on a chair, looking out the window] Please. You have to learn this. I can't afford to lose this position. Just return to the Cicero.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : There's a girl out there!
John Brooke : No, there is not.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Yes, Mr. Brooke. There's a girl.
John Brooke : No, there is not.
[Laurie moves a stool over for Mr. Brooke, who stands on it]
John Brooke : Oh. There is a girl.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : That's a girl.
[Yelling to Amy]
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Hello there. Are you hurt?
Amy March : I'm Amy!
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Hello Amy, I'm Laurie.
Amy March : I know. You brought my sister back from the dance. I would never have sprained my ankle. I have lovely small feet, the best in the family. But I can never go home again, because I'm in such trouble. Look!
[Holding up her hand]
Amy March : Mr Davis hit me.
Amy March : Aren't you ashamed of a hand like that?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : No, I'm not.
Amy March : It looks like it's never done a day of work in its life. And that ring is ridiculous.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Jo gave me this ring.
Amy March : I feel sorry for you, I really do. I just wish you'd bear it better.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : You don't have to feel sorry for me, Amy. You'll feel the same way one day.
Amy March : No, I'd be respected if I couldn't be loved.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : And what work have you done lately, oh great "artiste" - or have you been too busy imagining how you'll spend Fred Vaughn's fortune? FRED VAUGHN, ladies and gentlemen!
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Short answers save trouble.
Amy March : You old vanity, with all these good things to enjoy, you can find nothing to do but dawdle.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I'll be good for you, Saint Amy, I'll be good!
Amy March : Laurie, dress for festivities! Top hats and silks!
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I will! I'll wear my best silk.
Marmee March : My girls have a way of getting into mischief.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : So do I.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Jo only gave into it after lots of teasing.
Meg March : Do you like the way I look?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : No, I don't.
Meg March : Why not?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I don't like fuss and feathers.
Amy March : I'm a failure.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : That's quite a statement to make at twenty.
Amy March : Well, Rome took all the vanity out of me. And Paris made me realize I'd never be a genius. So, I'm giving up all my foolish artistic hopes.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I understand queens of society can't get on without money. Although it does sound odd from the mouth of one of your mother's girls.
Amy March : I've always known I would marry rich. Why should I be ashamed of that?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : There's nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you - love him.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Now that you've given up all your foolish artistic hopes, what are you going to do with your life?
Amy March : Polish up all my other talents and become an ornament to society.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : What women are allowed into the club of geniuses anyway?
Amy March : The Brontes?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : That's it?
Amy March : Yes, I think so.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : And who always declares genius?
Amy March : Men, I suppose.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : You have so much talent and energy.
Amy March : Talent isn't genius. And no amount of energy can make it so. I want to be great, or nothing. I will not be some common-place dauber.
Amy March : How do I look? Do I look all right?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : You look beautiful. You are beautiful.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Isn't it romantic?
Jo March : No, it's horrid!
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I thought you'd be pleased.
Jo March : At the idea of anybody coming to take Meg away? No, thank you.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : You'll feel better about it when somebody comes to take you away.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : I'd like to see anyone try it.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : So would like to see someone try it as well.
Jo March : Meg married, Amy off to Europe, and now that you're a graduate, you'll be off on a long holiday. I'm just not good like Beth, so I'm angry and I'm restless.
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : You don't have to stay here, Jo.
Jo March : Why? Should we run off and join a pirate ship?
Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence : Could we still be friends, Jo, please?
Jo March : Of course, my boy. Always.