- Roger Ebert [Tomris Laffly]
- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- Sight & Sound [Nikki Baughan]
- New York Times [A.O. Scott]
- Flick Filosopher [MaryAnn Johanson]
- 1,001 Movies Reviewed Before You Die [Nathaniel R. Mitchell]
- 100 Films [Richard Nelson]
- 2 Film Critics [William Graebner and Dianne Bennett]
- 25fps [Lucie Zelena]
- Czech
- 4Columns [Michelle Orange]
- A Film Life [Ian Taylor, Sheila Taylor]
- Abgeschminkt [Uwe Kraus]
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- Acción Cine [Jesús Usero]
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- Acción Cine [Jesús Usero]
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- After Misery [S.J.]
- Aisle Seat [Mike McGranaghan]
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- Alamo City Movie Talk [Ryan D, Angela]
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- Alta Peli [Matías Seoane]
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- Amir at the Movies [Amir Syarif Siregar]
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- Anna, Look! [Emma Bung]
- Another Film Another Planet [Sophie Soligny]
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- Any Good Films? [Simon Hooper]
- Are You Screening? [Marc Eastman]
- Art House Street [Alejandro Meroi]
- Art MrPuyal Cinema [Nageshwaran]
- Artechock [Felicitas Hübner]
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- Arth Joshi [Arth Joshi]
- Asbury Movies [Marco Minniti]
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- Assholes Watching Movies [Jay Taylor]
- audio\visuell [Christian Neffe]
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- Augsberger [Michael Augsberger]
- Austin Chronicle [Kimberley Jones]
- Avis 2 Femmes
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- Back to the Movies [Nick Clement]
- Basement Rejects [JP Roscoe]
- Battle Royale with Cheese [Caillou Pettis]
- Before the Cyborgs [Musa Chaudhry]
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics
- Beyond the Cinerama Dome [Tina Kakadelis]
- Bina007 Movies [Caterina Benincasa]
- Blog de Film [Ovidiu Pop]
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- Blu-ray [Brian Orndorf]
- Bon Pour La Tête [Norbert Creutz]
- French
- Bowler or Fez? [Mark Campbell]
- Brief Take [Daniel Reynolds]
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