
8 Reviews
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The Thirteenth Year (1999 TV Movie)
A small movie with a lot of punch
20 May 1999
This is one of the movies that I can picture myself acting in. I have always wanted to be an actor, but I doubt I will make the big-time. This is one of those movies that has little to work with as far as budget, but it is still very enjoyable. I watched it on a lazy spring afternoon. I would love to learn more about the teenage actors in this movie. The story is original, the acting is decent, and it is just a good, solid movie. It marks the debut of Chez Starbuck, and he does a solid job as Cody Griffin. I hope Chez can move on to a nice acting career. Justin Jon Ross plays Jess, and he is a very memorable character. Dave Coulier, of Full House fame, plays Cody's father. He was the biggest name in this movie, and he did not disappoint.
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Entrapment (1999)
Proves You Don't Always Have To Believe The Critics
2 May 1999
I am a fan of Sean Connery, so I was anxiously awaiting this movie coming out. Before I went to the movie, however, I read many reviews of the movie. Almost all of the reviews came to the same conclusion: This movie is absolutely terrible. I decided to go see the movie anyway because I was doing spring shopping and there was no other movie I was interested in. I went with two friends, and we all expected the movie to be bad. I thought it would be average at best. Since we had such low expectations, the movie was very enjoyable. I really liked it. Go into this movie with low expectations, and you will be pleasantly surprised. If you go into this movie with high expectations, this movie might be a disappointment. The plot of this movie is far-fetched, but intelligent. The movie makes you think, and is very confusing at the end. It is a movie that you probably need to watch more than once. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Connery are very believable. This is one of those movies where the bad guys are good guys and the good guys are bad guys. That is just part of the fun.

8 out of 10
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The X Files (1998)
8 September 1998
Of course this movie had a hard job of being accessible to die-hard fans and clueless moviegoers, and it had to compete with over 100 past episodes, some of which were better than the movie, but the X-Files movie was definitely worth attending. I saw it twice. And that was little compared to people I know who saw it over 10 times. The movie is like the series except for better special effects, a bigger story, better acting, a bigger range of sites, more action, and being on a bigger screen, which was fun. And who can't forget that in movies the characters can actually swear? An extra reason as to why you should see the X-Files movie. My rating: 8.5 out of 10.
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Titanic (1997)
The Best Yet
8 September 1998
I have heard the most lame excuse in my life come from many people on why they don't want to see Titanic: "I already know what happens, the ship sinks." Hearing that makes me very mad. If you have not seen this movie then you have missed something that will stick with you for the rest of your life, something you will never forget. "I'll never let go." Before I saw this movie Titanic was something you learned about in school, something you had to take tests over, something boring that you didn't really care about. Now I want to know absolutely everything about the "unsinkable ship. " Before I went to this movie I knew two things that happened in the movie: The ship sinks and Leonardo DiCaprio's character dies. A friend told me and I was pretty mad. That will not spoil the movie for you. You almost KNOW that he dies at the beginning of the movie. I thought that would spoil it for me, but it didn't. I thought this movie was another over-hyped movie that I wouldn't like as much as I thought I would. It wasn't. It left me feeling weird inside. I had to see it again, and again, and again... I have it on video now. It is just PERFECT. I didn't cry but only because some boys from school were sitting beside me, and it was very difficult to hold in my tears. Leo is great, Kate lost weight for the role and is bold and beautiful, and the supporting characters were superb. If you haven't seen Titanic, shame on you! My rating: a 10.
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Playing God (1997)
Great for David Duchovny fans
8 September 1998
I saw Playing God recently and it is an average movie. I am a big fan of David Duchovny, so that was the reason I rented this movie. The movie has a lot of blood and gore, a lot of swear words, but no nudity. It is good to see David in a different role. If you are a fan of David Duchovny or any of the other actors in this movie then it is worthy for you to see. If not this movie is not anything to be excited about. The last half of the movie is much better than the first, it is actually good quality film-making and shows that David can shine in other roles. My rating: A 7 out of 10.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
You Should See It Twice
8 September 1998
I went to this movie expecting something spectacular. I left the theatre thinking to myself "what the heck was so special about that?" When it came out on video I decided to buy it because it was racking up so many awards. The second time was much better than the first. I forgot about the hype, I just watched it and enjoyed it with my family. It is a great movie. Funny at times, yet extremely sad at times also. It makes you think about life, it makes you want to be like Forrest. Tom Hanks is great, as is Gary Sinise , Sally Field, and the character Bubba is one of the all-time great supporting characters. I have seen it at least 10 times now. My rating: 9 out of 10.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
A Must-See
8 September 1998
I am a late bloomer to the X-Files. So I must say there is still hope for you if you have never even seen an episode. I watched the first few episodes and then stopped. I watched off and on if I was bored on Sunday nights. In the fifth season an episode called Bad Blood reeled me in and I 've been addicted ever since. David Duchovny is absolutely luscious, Gillian Anderson is one sexy lady, and of course the stories are great. I'm pretty much caught up by reading summaries, watching reruns, and of course seeing the movie. The X-Files has it all: great acting, great writing, great special effects, and, what else are you going to be doing on a Sunday night ?
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A Classic
8 September 1998
The Untouchables is an American classic. Based on the times of Prohibition in the 1930s, this movie brings out the best in all of the actors involved, and was the breakthrough for Kevin Costner (some would say he needs another breakthrough). It is a sad, happy, funny, serious, gut wrenching, in other words an all-out memorable movie. It is loaded with star power. Sean Connery as old cop Jim Malone, for which he won an Oscar, Robert De Niro plump and round and evil as Al Capone, Andy Garcia cute as ever as George Stone, and young little Kevin Costner keeping the movie great as Elliot Ness.
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